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摘 要 随着电子产品越来越先进,图形用户界面设计也在当下飞速的发展着。怎样让用户与机器更流畅舒适人性化地进行交互,是我们非常需要关注的一个问题。帮助用户和仅是数据的机器搭建一个更好的沟通桥梁,是我们设计师最重要的命题。通过席克定律,我们了解到在为用户设计界面时,我们不仅需要在设计风格上,更应该在早期就帮用户考虑到决策的问题,为用户提供仅需要的选项,去除那些不必要的决策,为用户减少决策时间、降低点击错误率、提供信息获取率、提示用户体验。 本文主要提出了席克定律在图形用户界面设计应该怎样更好地实现。全文先表述了席克定律和图形用户界面设计的意义以及联系。找出总结了席克定律的优点和应该注意的问题。其次提出了在图形用户界面设计中实现席克定律的一些方法。最后希望席克定律在未来的图形用户界面设计发展中得到越来越多的重视和更好的衍生发展。 无论是现在2D的界面环境还是即将越来越普及的3D环境,席克定律依然是在设计界面中应该被重要考虑的一条设计原则。 关键词 席克定律、图形用户界面设计、用户体验、信息传递 ABSTRACT With more and more advanced electronic products, graphical user interface design is also in the rapid development of the current. How to allow users to interact with machines more smoothly and comfortably, is a problem we need to pay attention to. To help users and only the data of the machine to build a better communication bridge, is our designers most important proposition. By Hicks law, we learned that in user interface design, we not only need in the design style, should in the early will help users taking into account the decision problem, for users provide only need options, get rid of those unnecessary decision, for the user to reduce decision between, reduce clicking error rate, provide information acquisition rate, prompts the user experience. This paper proposes a law should be how to better achieve the graphical user interface design. Quan Wenxian describes a law and the significance of the graphical user interface design and contact. Find a law summed up the advantages and problems that should be paid attention to. Secondly, put forward some methods of implementation in a law in graphical user interface design. Finally, I hope that Hicks law in the future design of graphical user interface development get more and more attention and better derivative development. Both now 2D interface environment or is more and more popular 3D environment, Hicks law is still in the interface design should be important consideration of a design principle.


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