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类别;1.close 1)vi. vt. 关,关闭,结束,停止 ①The door wont close. 这门不好关。 ②When does the shop close? 店铺几点关门? ③The firm had decided to close its London branch. 公司已决定伦敦分店停业。;2)n. 使靠近,靠拢,会合,包围 The meeting has come to a close. 会议结束了。 3)adj. 近的,紧密的,精密的 a close friend 一位亲密的朋友 We keep a close watch on the prisoners. 我们严密看守囚犯。 4)adv. 接近,紧密地 She came close to him. 她走近他。;词语辨析 close与closely 二者都可作副词用:close指位置上的接近;closely表示抽象的“密切地,紧紧地”。 ①Move close, so I can see your eyes. 靠近些,那样我可以看见你的眼睛。 ②They are closely related. 他们关系密切。 类似此种形式的副词还有: 1)late“晚”;lately“最近”,相当于recently。;①You have come too late. 你来得太晚了。 ②What have you been doing lately? 你最近在干什么? 2)deep表示空间深度,deeply表示感情的深度,意思是“深深地”。 ①They dived deep in the sea. 他们深潜在海里。 ②I was deeply moved by his words. 我被他的话深深地打动了。;3)high表示空间高度;highly表示程度,意思是“高度地”。 ①The plane was flying high. 飞机在高空飞行。 ②He thought highly of your opinion. 他高度地评价了你的意见。 4)wide表示空间宽度,widely意思是“广泛地”。 ①He opened the door wide. 他敞开门。 ②English is widely used in the world. 世界上英语被广泛地应用。;即学即用 ①It was raining heavily. Little Mary felt cold, so she stood________to her mother. A.close         B.closely C.closed D.closing ②He can fly______in the sky and we all think________of his work. A.high, high B.high, highly C.highly, highly D.highly, high 答案:①A ②B;2.trust 1)vt. 信任,信赖,常用于结构: trust sb./sth. 相信某人/某事(物) ①He is not a man to be trusted. 他不是那种可以信任的人。 ②I shall lend him money because I trust him. 我将借给他钱,因为我相信他。;2)vt. vi. 希望,期望 ①You can not trust the buses to start on time. 你不能指望公共汽车准时出发。 ②Lets trust to chance! 让我们碰碰运气吧! 3)vt. 托付,托交,把……委托给某人,常用于结构: trust sb. with sth.=trust sth. to sb. 把某物委托给某人 trust sb. to do sth.托付某人去做…… ①I cant trust her with my car. =I cant trust my car to her. 我不能托她保管我的车。;②You might trust her to do the work. 你或许可以放心托付她做这项工作。 4)n. 信任 ①Please put/place/have(your)trust in her! 请信任她! ②I have no trust in him. 我不信任他。;知识拓展 1)常与trust搭配的短语有: have trust in 对……信任 put no trust in 对……不信任 fulfil ones trust 尽职尽责 2)辨析:trust, believe, believe in ①trust sb.指相信某人的品德、为人、能力等。 ②beli


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