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合词译法;You’ll supply financial power ,and we’ll supply manpower. Isnt that fair and square? 你们出钱,我们出人,这难道还不公平吗? In our workshop there is a hard and fast rule against smoking . 我们车间有严格的规定,不许吸烟(我们车间严禁吸烟);He is dead and gone. 他的确死了。 His father is a man who forgives and forgets. 他的父亲非常宽容。 Her son was wise and clever, but her daughter was silly and foolish. 她的儿子非常聪明,女儿却很笨。;She shook and trembled with fear. 她吓得不停的发抖。 He is a man of culture and learning. 他是个很有学问的人。 We must reach our goals and aims. 我们必须达到目的。 He suffered aches and pains. 他遭受百般疼痛。 ;These are ways and means of propaganda. 这是一些宣传方法。 It’s right and proper to try it. 试一试是完全正确的。 The room is cozy and comfortable. 这个房间非常舒适。 She was surprised and taken aback. 她吓了一大跳(她着实吃了一惊) ;Really and truly? 千真万确吗? 还是越早叫他回心转意越好些。 The sooner he changes his mind the better for him. 很明显,她就是出类拔萃的那一个。 It’s obvious that she is the one who stands out from the rest. 都是些狐朋狗党。 They are a pack of curs.;中国人民的不屈不挠的努力必将稳步地达到自己的目的. By our own indomitable efforts we the Chinese people will unswervingly reach our goal. 他决心洗心革面,脱胎换骨。 He is determined to turn over a new leaf. 你怎么能过河拆桥,忘恩负义呢? How can you kick down the ladder? ;痴心妄想 wishful thinking/fond dream 长篇大论 a ponderous thesis/a lengthy speech (or article) 粗心大意 careless/ negligent 丰功伟绩 great(or magnificent)contributions. 灵丹妙药 miraculous cure /heal-all 自以为是,夜郎自大 self-conceited /arrogant 以怨报德,恩将仇报 return kindness with ingratitude 低三下四, 奴颜卑膝 humble oneself 宽宏大量,既往不咎 forgive and forget ; 无论是英译汉,还是汉译英,我们都必须注意到原文中用同义词时所产生的强调成分。如dead and gone译成“的确死了”, “forgive and forget”译成“非常宽容”, “wise and clever”和“silly and foolish”分别译成“非常聪明”和“很笨”, “shook and trembled”译成“不停地抖”,culture and learning译成“很有学问” aches and pains译成“百般疼痛”……;;(一)名词转换成动词 The sight of such a big plane filled the little boy with great curiosity. 看到这么大的飞机,那个小男孩充满了好奇。 Rockets have found application for the exploration of the universe. 火箭已经用来探索宇宙。 ;He is a keen lover of classic music. 他酷爱古典音乐。 Last week he declare


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