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662 大 气 科 学 23 卷 Disposal of Negative Orography in a Spectral Model and Modeling of Subtropical Climate in East Asia Liu Yimin, Wu Guox iong and Liu H ui ( State K ey L aboratory of Nu merical Mod eling f or Atmospheric S ciences and Geop hysical Fluid Dynamics, I nstitute of A tmosp her ic Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences , Beij ing 100029) Abstract M otivated by the serious impact of neg at ive oro graphy on climatic simulatio n in spectral mod- els, the orography presentation has been renewed in the global climate model IA P/ L ASG GO ALS. Based on comparison between results from old and new oro graphic experiments, it is revealed that the originally systemic deviation of modeling on the W estern Pacific Subtropical High is related to the negative o rography at 30oN , 120oE and along the latitude to its east. By co mparing t hese model results with the reanalysis data of N CEP/ NCAR and CM AP , it can be concluded that the effects of negative orog raphy can be suppressed to a g reat deal under the new o rography scheme, and therefore t he simulation of East Asia subtropical cl-i mate can be distinctly improved. Key words spectral model neg ative orography subtro pical high 中国首次北极科学考察取得丰硕成果 中国首次北极科学考察队, 乘/ 雪龙号0科学考察船 , 自 1999 年 7 月 1 日从上海启航, 至 9 月 9 日 返回上海靠港为止, 历时 71 天。本次北极科学考察的主要内容是进行北冰洋的海、气、冰相互作用综 合研究, 具体的科学目标有三个: 一是探讨北极在全球变 化中的作 用和对中国 气候的影 响, 二 是了解 北冰洋与北太平洋水团交换对北太平洋环流的变异影 响, 三 是了解北冰 洋临近海 域生态系统 与生物 资源对中国渔业发展的影响。共有来自海洋、生 物、大气、地质、海冰 等近 10 个学 科的 124 名 科学家 参加了本次科学考察, 其中来自大气、海洋、海冰等多学 科的科学家在 75oN 的浮冰上建立了一个连续 工作 7 天的联合观测站, 利用多种先进手段, 对上 至 30 000 m 的高空, 下至 3 0



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