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祝贺信 首先表达得知消息的高兴心情: I was overjoyed to learn that…… I was delighted to hear that…… I was very pleased to learn that…… I was indeed gratifying to receive the news that…… It came as no surprise to me to learn that…… 表达祝贺之意的常用语句有: I would like to extend my warmest congratulations to you. My colleagues join me in sending you our warmest congratulations. Please accept our heartfelt congratulations on your…… We believe that your advancement properly reflects the quality and diligence that has characterized your work in every area. I know that your enthusiasm and experience in your work are the very qualities that are needed for this important position. It is always a pleasure to see someone’s true ability win recognition. You well deserve this high honor that has come to you. … certainly picked the right person for the job. Please accept my congratulations on the recognition that you have earned by your superb performance as a business executive. 对未来表示祝愿和期望: I wish you every success in your future career. Best wishes for your continued success. I wish you the best of everything for all the years ahead. We look forward to an even closer association in the future. May your success be continued and look forward to closer cooperation between us. If I personally or my company can be of any assistance to you, please do not hesitate to let me know. 感谢信 表达感谢之情: I am writing to thank you for…… Thank you very much for…… Please accept my sincere appreciation for…… 谈及具体事情带给你的感受(对方的款待、帮助等): I am writing to you personally just to say how very much I appreciate the warm welcome you extended to…… I enjoyed the short stay at your home which is both delightful and memorable. Our trip to Canada was very much enhanced by your kind arrangements and hospitality. The clock you presented to me will serve as daily reminder of your hospitality during our stay, as well as of the friendship between us. Thank you very much for all the trouble you and your staff went to during my visit to your plant. Y


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