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澳门威尼斯酒店-大运河购物中心;Often known as Macao Venetian in anecdotal Venetian wei ji, etc by the Venetian Macao resort hotel holding and operation, its construction, in accordance with the Venetian hotel Las Vegas hotel in Venice water as the theme, the hotel is within the scope of Venice features of arch bridge Small canal and stone road 在坊间经常俗称为澳门威尼斯人度假村、威尼斯人、威记等。度假村酒店由威尼斯人澳门所持有及营运,其建筑特式依照美国拉斯维加斯的威尼斯人度假村酒店。酒店以威尼斯水乡为主题,酒店范围内是充满威尼斯特色拱桥、小运河及石板路。 ;Western Operating (西式经营)    The people of Venice in Italy water Venice themed Resort . Around the hotel is full of characteristics of Venice bridge, canal and the stone road . That’s full of Venice people enjoy the exotic romantic wild life .    威尼斯人度假村以意大利水都威尼斯为主题,酒店周围内充满威尼斯特色拱桥、小运河及石板路。充满威尼斯人浪漫狂放享受生活之异国风情。; Grand canal shopping center is the macaus largest indoor shopping center, located in the Venetian Macao resort hotel on the third floor, an area of 968000 square feet, with more than 350 shopping merchants dozens of food store and three canal of each 390 feet long The shopping center is covered by a so big awning, awning can cooperate with computer control lighting effects, create - the sunrise and sunset clouds and sky, with characteristics of Atlantis in the 157 - foot bridge street canal, environment elegant and magnificent, the passenger copy is like place oneself old streets of Venice 大运河购物中心是澳门最大型的室内购物中心,位于澳门威尼斯人度假村酒店第三楼层,面积达968,000平方呎,云集超过350家购物商户、数十家食店和3条各长390呎的运河。整个购物中心被一幅偌大的天幕覆盖,天幕可配合电脑控制的灯光效果,营造出晨昏日出日落的云彩和天色,配合特色街道、运河、157呎的里亚特桥,环境典雅瑰丽,令旅客仿如置身昔日威尼斯的街道。; ;大运河购物中心;韩版《花样男子》曾在此取景; ;Hotel location;中庭是复制威尼斯著名的圣马可广场云集世界各地名店和一流餐厅。威尼斯人酒店二层,有着亚洲面积第二大的平面购物中心,室内的人工运河别具特色,除了汇集全球知名奢侈品牌外也有平易近人的运动服饰,价格普遍比内地低。;Traffic advantage;The atrium copy Venice is famous piazza SAN Marco gathered first-class shops and restaurants around the world Venetian hotel on the second floor, with the Asian area is the second largest plane shopping center, distinctive indoor artificial canal, in addition to the collection world famous luxury brands have


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