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5 Flight vehicle configurations and constructions; Main functions of configuration;★Integrity for all elements;5.1 Configurations;Generally speaking, ; configuration concepts for missile and airplane;5.1.1 Body (fuselage);d;cR;AA-2“环礁”(Atoll)空空导弹;Grid fin 栅格翼 1993 in Russia R-77 第4代中程空空导弹;★2 Wing parameters;Leading edge sweep back angle (前缘后掠角) Quarter sweep back angle;Mean aerodynamic chord (平均气动弦长) Aerodynamic centre a.c. (气动力作用点) ;wing + tails wing -- main lifting surface wing spanwise -- body length;Tails (moved + fixed parts) fixed parts for tails – stable moved parts – control ;Normal force coefficient of;★4 Control surfaces(控制面);-- moved part of horizontal tail -- pitching movement;Elevator force - ;请排序,并说明理由;5.1.3 Aerodynamic analysis;Aerodynamics 空气动力;Aerodynamic coefficients 空气动力系数;Planform View of an Early F-16A;F-16 Geometry Approximated by Simple Shapes ;AeroDYNAMIC Analysis of the F-16 ;5.2 Typical configurations ;5.2.1 Typical configurations of missiles ;轴对称旋成体外形;;(1) Normal configuration (正常式布局);Characteristics wings and tails locate behind the missile mass center, it is beneficial to the overall design.;*Long range ATA. AIM-54.;(2) No-wing form configuration(无翼式);(3) No-tail form configuration (无尾式);Ground to air;(4) All-moving wing configuration (全动翼);Anti-radar ATS. AGM-88;Advantages:;(5) canard configuration (鸭式);Advantages:;Air to air;(6) “-” form configuration;★Cross-form of wing;★ Wing numbers;★ wing – tail combination;“魔术”R550空空导弹; ★ + or X control + control;Pitch;★Selection of missile configuration;5.3 Typical Aircraft configuration ;Glider;5.3.2 Typical aircraft configuration ;美新一代战机YF-23方案;normal Canard no-tail ;5.3 Example of flight vehicle configuration;;AGM88_ANTI_Tank_US;Polyphem _US 独眼巨人;Anti-radar missile 百舌鸟反辐射;MK3_Anti-ship missile in ISRIAL;Anti-ship missile by France Germany;天蚕 Cruise missile in US;5.3.2 Example of a


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