教材教辅图书目录2 0 1 0 简介.doc

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PAGE  PAGE 156 教材教辅图书目录2 0 1 0 简介 教 材 教 辅 图 书 目 录 2 0 1 0 简 介 教育科学出版社由教育部主管、中央教育科学研究所主办,实行总社架构(含中央教育科学研究所音像出版社、教育科学电子出版社),是一家在国内外具有重要影响的教育科学专业出版社。自1980年建社以来,始终围绕中国教育改革和发展需要,出版了一系列具有唯一性和权威性的教育理论品牌图书和各级各类精品教材,得到学术界和全国教育工作者的广泛认可与充分肯定,成为我国教育出版界的一面旗帜。 【办社宗旨】为教育决策服务、为教育改革和发展服务、为教育科研服务、为提高教育教学质量服务。 【出版理念】弘扬教育学术,繁荣教育研究;传播国内外先进教育理念,促进中国教育改革与发展。 【出版范围】出版教育科学研究成果,介绍教育教学经验和普及教育科学知识图书,翻译出版可供我国借鉴的外国教育专著和有关资料;出版中小学教师教学参考书,中小学实验教材。 【出版物品种】主要包括教育理论图书、教师教育用书、职业教育与成人教育用书、中小学教材、幼儿教育用书和旨在全面提高中小学学生素质的助学读物以及相关的电子音像产品与杂志等。 Brief Introduction of ESPH Governed by the Ministry of Education of China, Educational Science Publishing House is a professional press run by the China National Institute for Educational Research. Educational Science Publishing House consists of three branches: Educational Science Publishing House, Audio video Publishing House of China National Institute for Educational Research and Audio video Publishing House of Educational Science Publishing House. Ever since its establishment in 1980, ESPH has been adhering to the principle of serving educational reform and development in China, its publication of a series of authoritative books on educational theories and teaching materials of its exclusive nature has retained its reputation in academic field and among the educators nationwide. And now ESPH has become the herald of educational publishing in China. Motto of ESPH: Serve educational policymaking, serve educational reform, serve educational research and improvement of educational quality. Concept of ESPH: Carry forward educational science, enrich educational research, disseminate advanced educational ideas home and abroad, and boost China educational reform and development. Arena of Publications: Publish achievements of educational research, diffuse educational and teaching experiences, broaden scientific knowledge, translate and publish foreign works on education, publish experimental teaching material for primary and secondary schools. Category o


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