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Lesson 1-2 1. 不规则的动词过去式:am / is – was, are – were, do / does – did, go – went, see – saw, spend – spent, eat – ate, begin(beginning)-began, have-had, will-would, want-wanted/tid/, like-liked/t/, visit-visited/tid/ 2. My holiday was wonderful. how怎样 How was your holiday? Her holiday was fantastic. how怎样 How was her holiday? His holiday was interesting. how怎样 How was his holiday? Their holiday was exciting. how怎样 How was their holiday? fantastic 奇异的,极好的 wonder-wonderful 令人惊奇的 interesting 有趣的1)be+interesting This story is very interesting. 2) an interesting story ; interested : be interested in doing… Lucy was _________in the __________ story last year. (interest) exciting使人感到兴奋 This football match is so exciting. excited兴奋 I am very excited. The boy was _______ when he heard this _________ news. (excite) 3. school closes反义school begins; school closes同义school is closed begin to do… 开始做某事The boy begins ___________(paint) in the club. begin反义end ; in front of反义behind ; 4. go / come back to school; give sth. back to…; bring sth. back to…; fly back… 1) come back– go back ; back – front ; in the back of 2) come back to the city ; come back to school ; come back to one’s home ; come back home Come back to our school again. 3) to的用法: turn to the left ; from…to… ; ten to one ; give…to… ; to do …(动词不定式) 4) return to…指人返回到… give sth back to…指物返回到… You can have this book for two days. But you must give it back to me (可省略)soon. 5. enjoy oneself=have a good time / have a lot of fun / have much fun enjoy oneself ( myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, yourselves, ourselves, themselves) 1) You should do it by(依靠)____(you). enjoy变过去式,直接加ed, enjoyed They enjoyed themselves. (一?) Did they enjoy themselves? 一般现在时,主语非三单,用do提问,一般过去式用did提问。 2) Did they enjoy themselves?(同义句)Did they have a good time? 6. I went to visit Hainan with my parents. 1) visit-visitor ; one of the visitors ; many of the visitors visit sp参观某处 ; visit sb拜访某人; be on a visit to sp去某地进行一


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