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廖艳平老师设计的“语法课(Unit 1, Module 3 人教版”, 在2009年我省高中英语优秀教学论文和教学设计评选中,荣获教学设计二等奖。 ??? 江小娅老师设计的“听说课(Unit 1, Module 3 人教版)”,在2009年我省高中英语优秀教学论文和教学设计评选中,荣获教学设计三等奖。 ? Module 3 Unit 1 Festivals around the World Period three: Grammar?? ?Modal Verbs 惠州市华罗庚中学 廖艳平 ⅠAnalysis of students ? ?Grammar of any kind is usually the least interesting topic for students. Students haven’t developed the habit of learning independently. Instead, they are used to relying on teachers’ instructions a lot.?? ⅡTeaching material analysis This teaching period mainly deals with the grammar: modal verbs—— the use of can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, must, and can’t. Abstract and boring as the modal verbs are, we should try to make students learn them in an easy and effective way. Ⅲ Teaching aims 1. Knowledge aims: Get students to grasp the use of the modal verbs, discover the implied meanings of modal verbs used in sentences, such as permission, ability, possibility, request, promise, guessing and so on. And get students to learn to use them in different situations with proper modal verbs. 2. Abilities aims: ?Cultivate students’ ability to distinguish and discover the subtle implications that modal verbs carry in sentences and develop students’ communicative ability by learning the use of modal verbs for making requests, giving advice, asking for permission, and so on. 3. Emotional aims: Develop students’ teamwork spirit and inspire students to be interested in grammar learning. ⅣTeaching key points and difficult points 1. Teaching key points Get students to learn and master the use of the modal verbs in discovering and practice, and enable students to learn how to use them correctly in different contexts. 2. Teaching difficult points Grammar rules are hard to remember, and grammar is a dull subject that some students are unwilling to learn it by heart. Ⅴ Teaching and learning methods ? Task-based Instruction, Audio-visual Teaching Method Cooperative Learning and Active Exploration Met


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