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台南縣立歸仁國民中學九十三學年度一年級第二次段考英語科試題 範圍:Book 1 Lesson 4~6 一年 班 座號 姓名 聽力測驗 Listen and Choose Part I 本部份每題念三個句子,請 勾選與題目相同的句子代號 5% She’s an engineer. A□ B□ C□ What is it? A□ B□ C□ Close the door. A□ B□ C□ This computer is big and heavy. A□ B□ C□ It’s a present from my cousin. A□ B□ C□ Listen and Choose Part II 選出正確的回應句 10% ( ) 1. (A) Yes, it is. (B) No, it is big. (C) Yes, he is heavy. ( ) 2. (A) No, they are English books. (B) Yes, they are. (C) Yes, it is. ( ) 3. (A) The line is long. (B) It’s a long line. (C) No, it’s short. ( ) 4. (A) No, they are engineers. (B) No, they are baseball coaches. (C) Yes, they are computers. ( ) 5. (A) Oh, how cute! (B) She is my cousin. (C) It’s money. Listen and Write 聽句子,填入正確的字彙 10% How ____________ the girl is! Clark, close your ____________ and ____________ a wish. What’s in the ____________? Is it _____________? Are these your _____________? The ____________ is ____________. Who’s the ____________ boy? The basketball is ____________ you. Listen and Fill In 聽敘述,將符合的圖片代號填入各題。5% A. B. C. D. E.文意字彙 10% ____________ 1. Tom is my father and Mary is my mother. They are my _________. ____________ 2. Where is my j t? It’s cold today. ____________ 3. Monica Chen is our E h teacher. ____________ 4. This puppy is for you. It’s your birthday p t. ____________ 5. I don’t k w the girl. Who’s she? 詞類變化 (單數形改寫為複數形) 5% 例: book books wish cake baby boy salesperson 對話式克漏字選擇 5% Mr. Brown: Happy 1. , Nala. Nala: Thanks, Dad. 2. is it? Mrs. Brown: 3. it. Nala: Is it a(n) 4. ? Is it a cake?


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