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  What could be more rewarding for an actor receiving favorablereviews for a performance than being laudedby the personportrayed? English physicist Stephen Hawking was moved totears while watching Eddie Redmayne portray him in thebiographical film The Theory of Everything, saying that atcertain points he thought he was watching himself.   对一个演员而言,最大的奖励莫过于受到所饰演角色本人的好评!在传记影片《万物理论》中,埃迪?雷德梅尼饰演英国物理学家史蒂芬?霍金。而他的表演一度让霍金本人感动流泪,称好几次都仿佛看见了自己。   Playing the role of the world’s most famous living scientist has brought the 33-year-old British actorheadlines, a Golden Globe for best actor, and an Oscar nomination.Born into a well-to-do family,Redmayne went to a prestigious boarding school with Prince William, studied art history atCambridge, and won his first theater award in 2004, but the freckle-faced, red-haired actor waiteduntil The Theory of Everything for his first leading man role.   因为饰演当今健在的最著名的物理学家,这位33岁的英国演员登上了各大媒体头条、摘得2015年金球奖最佳男演员奖并获得了奥斯卡最佳男演员提名。雷德梅尼出生在一个小康之家,曾就读于久负盛名的公学,后进入剑桥大学研修艺术史,并于2004年获得人生第一个戏剧类奖项(《伦敦标准晚报》杰出新人奖)。但是,这位脸上有雀斑(昵称“小雀斑”)、有一头红发的演员,直到参演《万物理论》(2014),才第一次担当主角。   To play a great thinker is challenging for any actor, as their subjects’ minds are hard to penetrate.Playing Hawking requires even more guts and technical skill because his every move is differentfrom ordinary people. Hawking was diagnosed with motor neuron disease at 21.   扮演伟大的思想家,对每一个演员而言都是挑战,因为想要理解他们的思想本就不易。扮演霍金则需要更大的勇气与技巧,因为他在21岁时就被诊断患有运动神经元病,导致他每个动作都异于常人。   Redmayne was thrilled and instantaneously nervous when he got the opportunity. He spent fourmonths studying Hawking’s life to immerse himself in the role. He watched every documentary hecould find on the scientist. The process was “like writing a doctoral dissertation,” according toVariety magazine.   接到角色后的雷德梅尼感到兴奋的同时也紧张不安。他花了四个月的时间来研究霍金的生平。在《综艺》的一篇报道中,他说,这一过程“简直就像是在写一篇博士论文”。   Redmayne met with more than 30 patients to understand how the disease affected Hawking. Theactor also worked with a choreographer, who would ask him: “What’s hap


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