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英语教学中运用多媒体的教学案例及分析 一、主题 随着新课程改革的不断推进和信息技术的不断更新,多媒体作为一种新的教学手段越来越广泛的被应用于英语课堂教学中。多媒体的使用不仅优化了课堂教学,调动了学生的学习积极性,更有助于学生对知识的理解与掌握,并能使教师更好地把握反馈信息,从而取得良好的教学效果。 多媒体教学方式灵活、形象生动,替代了静止、呆板的教具,多媒体运用直观教学,把抽象的知识变得直观形象,对学生的形象思维起到了导引、刺激的独特作用。flash动画、幻灯片、电影视频片段等多媒体组合技术,使课堂效果更为生动,学生如亲临其境,在强烈逼真的情景中发展形象思维,并使学生树立正确的人生观、价值观。 二、案例描述与评析 在讲授新目标英语八年级(下)Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.Reading : She said helping others changed her life .一节时。 T:Bys and girls :Everyone has own dream , My dream is to be a business woman,so I can make lot of money to help the students who have no chance to go to school in some rural areas .what’s your dream job? 我首先利用多媒体展示了我自己理想中的职业,大量的图片信息立刻引起了学生们的兴趣,都积极踊跃地参加讨论。 S 1: I want to be an actor ,so I can travel around the world . S 2: I want to be a policeman ,so I can help a lot of people. S 3: I…… 接连几个学生发表了自己的看法,我及时地为他们纠正了错误的地方。 T : Well done! We have our own dreams and we should study hard to make it come true. but some kids in the rural areas have no chance to dream about their life in the future ,because they have no money to pay for their edcation. 这时候我用多媒体出示了几幅贫困山区的图片,还有汶川地震后的学生的生活情况的视频。学生们都特别投入地观看了视频和图片。看到学生都被这些感人的图片所感染,我就“因势利导”,向学生提出问题。 T: what do you think of these pictures.And what should we do for them? S1: I think they are so poor . S2: They should study hard to change their life. S3 :we should help them . S4: we should give money to them …… T: Yes ,they are so poor .we should study hard to help them.Yang Lei is a graduate from Peking University .She jioned a program that was started by The Ministry of Education Chinese Young Pioneers.If you join the program .you could go to the rural areas to help kids study. 接下来我进行了新课文的讲授,在讲授的过程中运用多媒体展示了短文和相关的图片,并指导学生根据图片提示进行文章的学习。 T: What do you think of Yang Lei’decision ? S1:I think YangLei is a kind girl,her decision is right. S2:she can help a lot of people .---------- T: Does YangLei’parents agree with their daughter’s decision? S1:Yes ,she agrees with her daughter’s decision. T: Do you agree with her mother’s word


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