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夺发记对古典英雄史诗的 戏仿! ∀ : 蒲柏的仿英雄体史诗夺发记以 戏仿!古典英雄诗史的体裁, 来描写当时伦敦 上流社会发生的 一件 不足道的小事, 以达到反讽的效果, 从而使诗歌达到了愉悦与说教的 双重目的夺发记在对英雄史诗的显著特征进行全面 戏仿!的同时, 结合了作者对道德 的联想与思考这不仅体现了作者圆熟机敏与高超的诗歌技艺, 而且还揭露了复杂社会关 系中, 尤其是男女之间种种退化了的人生观和道德价值观 : 夺发记∀ 戏仿! ∀ 道德 : 马弦, 湖南长沙人, 广东商学院外国语学院教授, 文学博士主要研究方向为英美 文学 T itle: The Parody of AncientHeroic Epics in Pope# sTheR ap e of theLock Abs tract: Pope# smockheroic poem TheRape of theL ock isw idely accepted because it parodies the ancient heroic epics in its depiction of a very sm allthingwhich occurred in the upperclass so ciety in London then, in order to achieve an ironic effect and the double purposes of entertainment and instruction. y parodying the overall traits of heroic epics, TheRape of theLock involves the author# s thoughts and associations of morality. This not only shows the author# s superb poetic skil,l but also reveals some degenerated viewpoints on hum an life andmorality in the complicated social relationships, especially that between men andwomen. K ey w ord s: TheR ap e of theLock∀ parody∀ morality Au thor: M a X ian isPh. D. and professor at the School ofForeign Languages, GuangdongUni versity of usinessStudies (Guangzhou 510320, China). Her research area is ritish andAmeri can literature. Em ai:l songlacs@ yahoo. com. cn ∃ (Alexander Pope, 1688- 1744) 18 , , , , ! (MockH eroic), , , , , (I liad), 马∀ 弦: 夺发记对古典英雄史诗的 戏仿! 101 (A eneid ), , , , , !; , , , , ( Cleanth rooks) ! ( i rony) ! ( 150), , , , , , , , , , , , , (Nun # s Priest# s Tale, c. 1400), , ∃ (M ac Flecknoe, 1682), % % % ( Shadwell), ∃ ( Sir Samuel Garth, 1661- 1719) 1699 (The D isp ensary, 1699), , !, , , , , , , : , !, ,



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