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大学英语四级翻译常考句型 ?1. …as soon as… 一……就…… (1) Peter一听到消息就兴奋地喊起来。 As soon as Peter heard it,he cried out excitedly. 2. as…as 和……一样 (not) as/ so…as ……不如…… (1)听磁带和看英语电影一样重要。 Listening to tapes is as important as watching English-language movies. 3. as … as possible 尽可能地…… (1) 当你感冒的时候,你应该喝尽可能多的水。  When you have a cold, you should drink as much water as possible. 4. ask sb for sth…… 向某人要…… (1) 当你不知道问题的答案时,你可以向你的老师寻求帮助。  When you don‘t know the answer to any questions, you can ask your teacher for help. ?5、ask/tell sb. (how) to do sth.请/告诉某人(如何)做…… (1) Tom的爸爸经常告诉Tom应该如何正确面对问题。  Tom‘s father often tells Tom how to deal with the problems in the correct way. 6. ask/tell sb. not to do sth. 请/告诉某人不做某事 (1) 我妈妈经常告诉我不要花费太多时间玩电脑游戏。  My mother often tells me not to spend so much time in playing computer games. 7. be afraid of doing sth. / that+从句 担心(某事可能产生的后果) (1) 学生们为考试担心不足为奇。 It‘s no surprise that students are afraid of having exams. 8. be afraid to do sth. 害怕去/不敢去做某事 (1) Peter害怕在别人面前说话。 Peter is afraid to speak in front of other people. 9. be busy doing sth./be busy with sth. 忙于做某事/忙于某事 (1)?他正忙着通过听磁带来学习英语。 He is busy studying English by listening to tapes. 11…为……准备/……迟到了/对……感到歉意get ready for sth. (1) 我们已经准备好聚会了。 We have got ready for the party. 12. be glad to高兴…… (1)?你应该高兴你能去美国 HYPERLINK /luyouyingyu \t _blank 旅游。You should be glad you will travel to America.. 13.the one of+最高级最……之一 (1) 他是他们班最高的孩子之一。 He is one of the tallest children in his class. (2) 纸是最有用的发明之一。 Paper is one of the most useful inventions. (3) 故宫是北京最有名的风景名胜之一。 The Palace Museum is one of the most famous places of interest in Beijing. (4)北京是中国最大的城市之一。 Beijing is one of the largest cities in China. (5)他是跑的最快的学生之一。 He is one of the students who runs fastest. 14带来/送给/寄给/借给/传递/告诉某人某事(物) (1) 请递给我那支笔。 Please pass me that pen. (3) 到达美国后请立刻给我寄一封信。Please send me a letter as soon as you get to America. (4)他给我带来一支玫瑰。 He brought me a rose. (5)我借给他10元钱。 I lent him 10yuan. 15 either…or……或者……或者;不是……就是 (1) 要么进来,要么出去。 Either


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