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1. Almost two years ago, I stood on a dormitory balcony, joined hands with my three most intimate friends and listened to one of them tell a story about four girls with different backgrounds and talents who left home and went to college at a mythical place called Happy Valley. 大概两年前,我与三个密友手拉手站在宿舍的阳台上,听其中一人讲述一个关于四个女孩的故事。这四个女孩背景不同,才能各异。她们离开家,来到大学校园一个叫“欢乐谷”的神秘地方。 ? 本句为并列句,stood 、joined 、listened 分别为三个分句的谓语。listen to sb tell story 听某人讲故事。介词短语with different backgrounds and talents 作定语修饰girls, 定语从句who left ...a mythical place 也修饰girls . join hands 牵手| joined effort 齐心协力 2. For freshmen, and especially for us, saying goodbye at the end of the first year can feel like saying goodbye forever. 对于新生特别是对我们来说,在第一年的年末相互道别仿佛就像要永别似的。 ? 本句中动名词saying goodbye 作主语。for 作介词用,意为“ 对…来说”。feel like (doing sth). 仿佛,好像。例如:He is so tired that he seems to feel like having stayed up.他是如此的累以至于他看起来好像是熬夜了。 3. Three months can seem like a long time when you are leaving friends and acquaintances whom you have only known for a year. 当你要离开才认识一年的朋友和熟人时,三个月也许是一段很漫长的时间。 ? when 引导时间状语从句,表示“当…的时候”。whom 引导定语从句,修饰“friends and acquaintances”. acquaintance: 相识的人,熟人。如:James have a lot of acquaintances in the town where he lives.詹姆斯在他居住的城镇有很多的熟人。 4. My advice to any freshmen reading this is to cherish those moments .我给每一位看到这篇文章的新生的建议是——珍惜那些时光。 ? 本句主语为advice, 谓语为is, 不定式to cherish those moments 作宾语。动名词reading 作分词修饰freshmen。this 指本文。cherish 珍惜| There is always something you should cherish. 总有一些东西值得你去珍惜。 5. You may grow completely apart from the people you spent your first year with, or you may find yourself fortunately comparing them to siblings at the end of your junior year as I did . 随着你的成长,你也许将完全远离那些与你共同度过大一生活的人,你也许像我一样,在大学三年结束时,还能幸运地有她们这些情同手足的朋友。 ? 本句为并列结构,两个分句由逗号隔开。定语从句the people you ...with 中,the people 作先行词,在从句中作spent 的宾语,关系代词whom 或that被省略。| apart from sb./sp. 离开某人/某地| He learned how to get along with others apart from family.他离开家之后学会了怎样与别人相处。| compare...to: 1) 把…与…相比I compared several brands of cars before


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