2009年10月10日 北美托福机经 annona123.pdf

2009年10月10日 北美托福机经 annona123.pdf

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2009年10月10日 北美托福机经 annona123.pdf

IBT-SAT X—— 2009 10 10 annona123 10.10 jj jj, , . 1. describe on positive experience and the result 2. 3. reading, professor’s email about discussion requirement, student take 2 discussion lecture write the report 1 day ahead. And reading give the interest part. Conversation, man, likes the requirement, 1, it is good for the discussion part because saving time. Last week it took them a long time to finish discussion. 2. it is useful for their finals. Because students have interesting ideas ready and easy to write paper. 4. reading, evolution in action, animals and plants adapt to new changed environment quickly Lecture, mint plants used to grow in grassy field and woods and grew tall and faster, later some houses’owners plant mint plants in the yard. They cut them into short, quickly, all mint plants become short and hardly being cut, instead, they grow side way become flat. 5. a party, students can relieve the stress from final exams and get away from books. a student band supposes to play music, however the leader of the band is sick, so the band was canceled, 2 solutions by 2 students, 1, play cds, but recorded music is not as exciting as live music 2. postpone the party to 1 week before the final exam, however some students will go home and miss the party. 6. 2 cues to judge the qualities of products by consumers. 1, intrinsic cue, judging my physical characteristics of products, such as color, texture, sizes, for example, food, if it has good taste Cl ick to bu y N OW ! PD F-XCHANGE w ww.docu-track .co m C lic k t o b uy N OW ! PD F-XCHANGE w ww.docu-track .co m IBT-SAT X—— means has good quality. 2. extrinsic cue, judging not by physical characteristcs. For example, juice, if the bottle of juice is a good looking glass bottle and has good label, consumers think it has good quality. So products area evaluated by external packs. reading, settle down colony of , , , ,1.colony leader , sign that is the word of , leader , , . 2. artcrafts, ring trace back t


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