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2002 年 11 月 中国青年政治学院学报 Nov. , 2002 第 21 卷第 6 期 Journal of China Youth College for Political Sciences Vo1. 21 No. 6 当代大学生政治冷漠现象探析 张树辉 ( 中国青年政治学院 团委, 北京 100089) 摘 要: 民主政治建设和政治稳定与公民的政治 参与密切相关。20 世纪 90 年代 以来, 在大学生的 参与意识、 参与实践和参与能力都不断增强的同时, 政治冷漠现象 越来越成为当代大学生政治参 与的突出特 点。当代大 学生 政治冷漠现象对民主政治建设和社会稳定进步发展以及大学生自身健康成长所带 来的负面 影响远大于 正面作用。 要从根本上解决当代大学生政治参与意识不强、动力不足、行为不力的局面, 还需国家、社会、学校以 及大学生 自身 共同努力。 关键词: 大学生; 政治冷漠; 政治参与 中图分类号: G645 文献标识码: A 文章 编号: 1002- 8919( 2002) 06- 0030- 06 An analysis of the phenomenon of detached political attitude for the contemporary college students ZHANG Shu- hui ( Youth League Committee, China Youth College f or Political Sciences, Beijing 100089, China) Abstract: The construction of a democratic political system and the political stability are in a close relation with the political participation of general citizen. Since the 90s of 20th century, the college students. con- sciousness, practice, and capability for political participation have been continuously strengthened. At the same time, the phenomenon of detached political attitude has gradually become a salient feature for the polit-i cal participation of the contemporary college students. Such a phenomenon has influenced the construction of democratic political system, social stability and progress, and even the growth of college students themselves much more passively than in any active sense. It needs a simultaneous effort from state, society and the college students themselves to resolve the situation of the students. vague consciousness, weak energy, and slow be- havior for political participation. Key words: college students; politi


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