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Module 1 Deep South Introduction and Reading Practice ;Are they cute? Do you like them? Do you know where they live? Discuss it with your partner.;Scenery in Antarctica;Scenery in Antarctica;Animals in Antarctica;China;Look at the quiz on page 1 and think about it by yourself. After that discuss with your partner.;the South Pole;the North Pole ;Discussion;Welcome to the South Poles!; Have you ever thought that one day you’ll go to the South Pole? If you go, do you know what you should pay attention to? Study the passage and learn about something.;New words;magnetic adj. 有磁性的;有吸引力的 She has a magnetic personality. n. magnet 磁铁;磁体;severe adj. 强烈的;严峻的;严格的 Hes suffering from severe mental disorder. ;portable adj. 轻便的;手提式的 The new portable computers are going like hot cakes. n. 便携的东西;abnormal adj. 反常的;不正常的 At one time, she is fine, but at another, she is abnormal. n. abnormality 变态;反常;isolated adj. 分离的;孤立的 There is a strong spirit of fraternity among these isolated people. v. isolate 使孤立;使分离;fragile adj. 易碎的;脆的 Glasses are fragile and must be handled with great care. ;delicate adj. 精美的;微妙的;美味的 She wears a dress with delicate lace. n. 精美的东西;privilege n. 特权;荣幸 It was a privilege to work with him. v. 给特权;免除;Medical assistance is available in case of an emergency. in case of “防备;假如”,是短语介词,后接名词、动名词等。 In case of fire, open this safety door. In case of my absence,some one will take my place. ;in case 作短语连词,能引导状语从句。 1. 引导目的状语从句作“以免,以备,以防”等解。如: He takes a torch in case it gets dark before he returns. 2. 接条件从句,意为“如果、万一”。如: In case we fail,we won’t lose heart. in case作副词性短语,常置于句末,表示事先准备或预防的措施,作“以防万一”解。如: The bus is usually on time,but start early,just in case. ;Complete the sentences about life at the South Pole in your own words.;4. If you like personal comforts, ________________________. 5. If you use conventional tools and technical equipment, _______________________________. 6. If you dont take home everything you brought with you


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