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ConstructionCost/工程造价 2013版清单计价规范下总价措施项目费调整研究 贺星红1,陈旭刚2,陈丽娜3(1. 天津市投资咨询公司,天津300070;2. 中国建设银行天津市分行,天津 300203; 3. 北京恒诚信工程咨询有限公司,北京 100037) 【摘 要】 工程量清单计价模式将实体项目与措施项目实行了分离,并指出措施项目清单是开口清单,承包商应根据拟建工程的实际情况列项,自行增补,致使施工过程中发生的措施项目费调整纠纷众多。鉴于此,本文以2013版清单计价规范为例,从总价措施项目费的范围、调整原因、调整原理为思路展开研究措施项目费的调整。最终,给出总价计算的措施费的调整方法,从而保证影响措施项目调整的原因出现时,承发包双方即可采取合理的流程实现措施项目费的调整,降低实施施工过程中纠纷的发生率。 【关键词】2013版清单计价规范;总价措施项目费;调整值 中图分类号:F407.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-2442-(2014)09-8 Research on the adjusting the total measure project price under the mode of BOQ pricing 2013rd edition He Xinghong1, Chen Xugang2, Chen Lina3 (1. Tianjin investment advisory co., ltd, Tianjin 300070; 2. Tianjin branch of china construction bank, Tianjin 300203; 3. Beijing Hengchenxin Group, Beijing 100037) Abstract: The bill of quantities pricing mode separate the entity project from the measures project, and points out the measures project list is open list, so that the contractor shall supplement the list according to the actual engineering item, which leads to many dispute in the process of construction measures fee adjustment. In view of this, this paper sets an example based on the BOQ pricing code 2013rd edition, and studies measures project cost from the range of price, adjustment, to the adjustment principle. Finally, the adjustment method is given that the price calculation measures fee, which causes measures affecting project adjustment, and the two sides can take reasonable measures to realize the process of project fee adjustment, to reduce the incidence of disputes in the construction process of implementation. Keywords: BOQ pricing code 2013rd edition; total measure project price; adjustment value __________ 收稿日期:2014-08-03 作者简介:贺星红,女,生于1987年,硕士研究生学历,国家注册一级建造师,就职于天津市投资咨询公司;陈旭刚,男,生于1983年,硕士研究生学历,国家注册造价师,就职于中国建设银行天津市分行;陈丽娜,女,生于1988年,硕士研究生学历,国家注册造价师,就职于北京恒诚信工程咨询有限公司。 Engineering Economy No.9 2014 9 工程经济 1.引言工程量清单计价规范》(GB50500-2013)(以下工程量清单是载明建设工程分部分项工程项简称“2013版清单计价规范”)为岗,按照总价目、措施项目、其他项目的名称和相应数量以及计算的措施项目范围→调整


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