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第二篇 合同条款的内容;第四章 合同的标的;品名的选择应注意;;;;1、合同条款中明示或默示表示凭样品 交易时,即为凭样品买卖的合同;;“来样成交”时应注意的问题;凭规格交易时应注意的问题; F、A、Q;凭商标和牌名成交时,应确保产品质量的稳定性;三、进出口合同中的品质条款; 1、我某公司向德国出口一批农产品,合同规定其所含水份最高为15%,杂质不超过3%,但在成交前我方曾向买方寄过样品,订约后我方又电告对方成交货物与样品基本相同,货到德国后,买方验货后提出货物的质量明显比样品差的检验证明,并据此提出索赔6000英镑,我公司应如何处理?;CASE STUDY;Case Study;中国货受困津巴布韦;四、卖方违反品质条款时的处理;第二节 QUANTITY;一、计量单位;1 Metric Ton = 1000 kilograms 1 Short Ton = 907 kilograms 1 Long ton = 1016 kilograms;二、度量衡制度;三、计算重量的方法;四、溢短装条款 More or Less Clause;溢短装条款 More or Less Clause;练 习;五、卖方违反数量条款时的处理;Case Study;Case ;Packing of Goods ??商品的包装;1.商品包装是商品生产的继续,凡需要包装的商品,只有通过包装,才算完成生产过程,商品才能进入流通领域和消费领域,才能实现商品的使用价值。 2.经过适当包装的商品,不仅便于运输、装卸、搬运、储存、保管。清点、陈列和携带,而且不易丢失或被盗,为各方面提供了便利。 3.在当前国际市场竞争十分激烈的情况下,许多国家都把改进包装作为加强对外竞销的重要手段之一。 ;Ⅱ? Kinds of packing? 包装的种类 (一)Shipping packing: 运输包装 (二)Marketing packing: 销售包装 ;Kinds of packing? 包装的种类;Shipping packing: 运输包装 single piece packing and collective packing. Single piece packing means the cargoes are packed as a single unit, i.e., a measuring unit, in the transportation process. Collective packing means a number of single pieces are grouped together to form big packing or are packed in a big container. ;According to style of packing: Cases, drums, bags, bales, bundles, etc. According to the material of packing: Cartons, wooden cases, iron drums, wooden casks, paper bags, gunny bags, plastic bags, etc. According to the softness of packing: softness packing and hardness packing as well as half-hardness packing. According to the extent of packing: full packed and part packed ;Marketing packing: 销售包装 According to the popular style and function of marketing packing in the international trade market, marketing packing can be classified into the following types: Piling-up pattern Hanging-up pattern Spreading-up pattern Pattern for carrying about Pattern for easily opening Pattern for spraying out Pattern for showing off a gift


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