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2016届外研版必修2 Module 4 Fine arts单元测试 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.Today every c________ aged eighteen or over has the right to vote. 2.He had a sore throat and found it difficult to s________. 3.I was tricked by the salesman’s wiles(计谋) into buying worthless g________. 4.I have the honor to have been sent as their r____________ to attend the ceremony. 5.In case of fire,break the glass and push the red b________. 6.Some people are ________(贪婪的) for money and something alike. 7.I have never been to the ________(沙漠) visited by them. 8.At present there’s no ________(解决) in this disagreement. 9.The sick boy needs ________(立即的) attention. 10.When building ________(材料) cost more,the price of houses increases. Ⅱ.词义辨析 1.用stare,glare或glance的适当形式填空。 (1)They stopped arguing and ________ at each other. (2)She ________ at him in surprise. (3)He ________ at his watch and then left in a hurry. (4)He ________ at the problem,trying to work it out. 2.用happen,occur,take place或break out的适当形式填空。 (1)Great changes have ________________ in my hometown since then. (2)Yesterday a traffic accident ________________ on this road,but luckily no one was injured. (3)Last night a fire ________________ in that building,causing a great loss. (4)An idea suddenly ________________ to me that our room will be decorated in blue. (5)Please remind me that the meeting will ________________ at two tomorrow afternoon. Ⅲ.翻译句子 1.许多最新发明正在展览会上展出。(up-to-date) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2.又给了一次机会,那个激动的男孩高兴得跳了起来。(过去分词作状语) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 3.一出火车站,火车就开始加速。(speed up) ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4.我一进教室,铃就响了。(the instant) _____________________________________________________________



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