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PAGE  2016届外研版必修2 Module 6 Films and TV programmes单元测试 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.It is very ________(笨拙的) of me to step on your foot. 2.I hope this summer holiday will be ________(有益的) to your study. 3.Its difficult for the old woman to ________(适应) to the wet climate here. 4.Non-residents were refused ________(进入) into the region without permission. 5.He failed in the exam because of his ________(缺席) from school. 6.________(雄心) never dies until there is no way out. 7.The 800-meter run left the girls out of b________. 8.Do you know the old man with a physical________(残疾)? 9.The girl is________(外向的)and we all like her. 10.The little boy was anxious to join his ________(同伴) playing football on the playground. 答案:1.clumsy 2.beneficial 3.adapt 4.entry 5.absence 6.Ambition 7.breath 8.disability 9.outgoing 10.fellows Ⅱ.完成句子 1.我从报纸上剪下了这篇文章。 I ________ this article ________ ________ ________ ________. 2.他不但在这部影片中扮演角色,而且还导演了这部影片。 He directed ________ ________ ________ acted in the film. 3.她写字漂亮,而且善于写文章。总之,她是一位好秘书。 She has a good handwriting, and is good at writing articles. ________ ________ ________, she is a qualified secretary. 4.他听不懂女儿的话,因为她说得太快了。 He ________ ________ ________ understanding his daughter as she spoke so fast. 5.他们两个正忙于做假花。 Two of them________ ________(忙于)making artificial flowers. 答案:1.cut; out of the newspaper 2.as well as 3.All in all 4.had difficulty in 5.were busy Ⅲ.单项选择 1.To be great, you must be smart, confident, and, ________, honest. A.therefore   B.above all C.however D.after all 答案:B 考查副词及短语。句意:要想变得伟大,你必须是一个既聪明又有信心的人,最重要的是要诚实。therefore“因此”;above all“最重要的是”;however“然而”;after all“毕竟,终究”。 2.Then, I am sure, China will be more powerful than it is today, and that will be ________ world peace. A.disabled in B.clumsy to C.beneficial to D.absent from 答案:C 考查形容词辨析。句意:我可以肯定地说,中国将比今天更强大,这对世界和平会更加有利。A项“在某方面是残疾的”;B项“做(某事)是笨拙的”;C项“有利于”;D项“缺席”。 3.If you run very fast, you may ________ your breath. A.hold B.take C.lose D.out of 答案:C 考查breath的短语。句意:如果你跑得很快,你可能会喘不过气来。hold on



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