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PAGE  2016届外研版必修5 Module 1 British and American English单元测试 Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.He gave his son some money for the ________________(购买) of his school books. 2.Shortly after the earthquake, many people ________________(捐赠) money to the quake area. 3.Next Monday is the ________________(周年纪念日) of the day I first met you. 4.Do you know who is the first ________________(宇航员) that walked in space? 5.The job seekers who are good at ________________(操作) computers are preferred. 6.He lives in a ________________(遥远的) village and has little idea of the modern life. 7.The teacher ________________(分发) the new books to the pupils. 8.He made a ________________(自愿的) statement to the police. 9.The captain ________________(咔嚓) his heels together and saluted his superior officer. 10.We need greater ________________(安全保障) in childrens school cars. 答案:1.purchase 2.donated 3.anniversary 4.astronaut 5.operating 6.remote 7.distributed 8.voluntary 9.clicked 10.security Ⅱ.按照每小题后括号中的要求完成句子 1.We all ________________(为……干杯) the bride and the groom at the wedding. (toast的名词形式) 2.Id rather ________________(挨饿)than eat what that mean person offered me. (go) 3.If you ________________(需要) anything, dont hesitate to let me know. (need的名词形式) 4.Are there any ________________(志愿者) help the old woman cross the street? (voluntary的名词形式) 5.Lets work harder. Its time to put our plan ________________(实施). (operate的名词形式) 6.She ________________(捐了) of $5,000 to the Childrens Hospital. (donation) 7.The Red Cross controlled ________________(食物和衣物的发放)to the flood victims.(distribute的名词形式) 8.The local newspaper ________________(安排) an interview with Professor Stein. (arrange的名词形式) 答案:1.drank a toast to 2.go hungry 3.are in need of 4.volunteers o operation 6.made a donation 7.the distribution of the food and clothing 8.made arrangements for Ⅲ.完成句子 1.If you ________ ________ ________ ________(需要) anything, dont hesitate to let me know. 2.She ________ ________ ________(捐赠) of 5,000 yuan to the Childrens Hospital. 3.The



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