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Maison Louis Jadot 路易亚都世家 “Burgundy, nothing but Burgundy” 勃根蒂,唯一的勃根蒂 Simply Burgundy 简单朴实的勃根蒂 z Only three varietals:只使用三种葡萄品种 All white wines are 100% Chardonnay 所有的白葡萄酒 100%由莎当妮酿制 Red from Burgundy are 100% Pinot Noir 所有来自于勃根蒂的红葡萄酒 100%由黑 皮诺酿制 Reds from the Beaujolais are 100% Gamay. 所有来自于宝祖利山庄的红葡萄酒均由加美酿制 A limited growing area with strict viniculture and vinification rules (yield, trellising, no irrigation, etc.). 在规定的种植区域中,按照严格的葡萄栽培法和葡萄酒酿造工艺来生产葡萄酒(产量、搭架、无 灌溉、等等) z The Burgundian “terroir”, i.e. a delicate balance among the following elements complex and various soils (marl, limestone, granite and an ancient bedrocks); a continental climate; slopes adjacent to river (exposure and erosion); vinicultural practices varietals. 勃根蒂地区的自然条件 丰富的元素组成及多样性的土壤结构(石灰泥、石灰石, 花岗岩和古老的岩床); 大陆性气候; 靠近河流的 斜坡(使之富有充足的光照和风化); 不同葡萄品种栽培方法的多样性,综上所述各部分之间存在着精妙的 平衡。 z A system based on location or “appellation”. The name on each label gives the “address” of the wine. The longer the name, the more precise the location and, usually, the rarer wine. 一个基于地理位置和“法定产区”的系统。 每瓶葡萄酒酒标上的名字都列出了葡萄的产地。名字越长,具体产地就越明确,当然,葡萄酒也越珍贵。 z Each location determines the ranking of the wine: Regional, Village, Premier Cru, Grand Cru. (See “Relative Positions of the Different Appellations” and Production Pyramid.) 产地决定了葡萄酒的等级:地区葡萄酒,村庄葡萄酒,一级葡萄酒,头等苑葡萄酒(具体请参照“不同 法定产区相关等级制度”和产量金字塔划分) z Burgundy wines present a good balance between fruit and acidity, and are meant to pair with food. Burgundians are charming when young and are beautifully, evolving into gems of complexity and elegance. 勃根蒂葡萄酒在果香和酸度之间表现出了非常良好的平衡,与菜肴搭配十分理想。勃根蒂葡萄酒在年轻 的时期是非常迷人和美妙的,随着时间的推移展现了优雅的气质与复杂的精华。 Louis Jadot a Benchmark in Burgundy 路易亚都世家-勃根蒂的代表 The Village level wines consist of core selection of the Burgundian appellation. “Clas


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