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群体 研究 QUNT I YAN J IU 从社会学看社会体育指导员区域化转变 Study on Regional Change of Social Sports Director from the Perspective of Sociology 刘权炜 , 彭 杰, 谢静月 , 张 扬 LIU Quan- w e,i PENG Jie, XIE Jing - yue, ZHANG Yang 摘 要: 目前我国经济步入了高速发展时期, 社会体育指导员在社会进程中, 数量日趋壮大, 技能水平不断 提高。随着我国在社会发展战略上将社会主义新农村建设列入重点发展方向, 并提出一些利民、便民和惠 民政策以及在这基础上农村经济、政治、文化等方面发生 巨大的变化, 这 些将导致我国社会 体育指导员在 区域上也发生转变。本文通过文献资料法和逻辑分析法, 分析在社会转 型期生产力的推动 下江苏省社会 体育指导员区域化转变的社会学因素。 关键词: 社会体育指导员; 社会学; 新农村; 区域化; 转变 A b s tra c t: A t present, Chinese econom y stepped into a h igh - speed deve lopment period. In progress o f social advancem ent, the num ber o f social sports instructor increasing ly increased and the ir sk ill level enhanced unceasing ly. On the g round o f that the policy of soc ia list new rura l construction w as listed as the key deve lopm ent d irection, other conven ience po lic ies were ra ised and then huge econom y, po lity and cu lture changes took p lace in country, soc ial sports directo rs were changed in areal distribution. T his artic le, through literature study and log ical ana lysis, analyzed the soc io logy facto rs which promo ted the reg iona l change o f soc ial sports instructors in Jiangsu province at the pe riod of soc ial trans ition. Ke y w o rd s: social sport; d irector; soc io logy; new; country; reg iona lization; change


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