经典英文赏析 中国人的精神.ppt

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经典英文赏析 中国人的精神

The Spirit of the Chinese People;About the author;辜鸿铭(1857-1928)出生在马来西亚,槟城。他是一个橡胶种植园负责人和一个葡萄牙女孩结婚所生的第二个孩子。他的家乡是中国福建惠安。他10岁的时候被带到苏格兰学习。在欧洲学习期间,获得英国爱丁堡大学的文学学士学位,同时,他在巴黎学习法律。毕业后,他在新加坡殖民政府工作了一段时间。;He was born in the South Pacific, scie-nce in the west, the marriage in Japan, one in the northern. Proficient in Eng-lish, German, Latin, Greek, Malaya, in 9 languages, from the 13 doctors degree, but to read English newspapers mock-ed the British, Americans do not have culture, will be the first Chinese Ana-lects of Confucius, the doctrine of the mean with English and translation of Devin to the west. With the gab, to the Japanese Prime Minister ITO Hirobumi about hole, and a master in literature Lev Tolstoy correspondence, discuss the world culture and politics in India, by Mahatma Gandhi called the most distinguished chinese.; 辜鸿鸣,辜鸿铭他生在南洋(马来西亚的槟城),学在西洋(留学英法),娶妻东洋(有一个日本老婆,在日本有崇高的威望),仕在北洋(早年为两江总督张之洞幕僚,晚年在北洋政府外交部任职),一生精通英、法、德、拉丁、希腊、马来西亚等9种语言,获13个博士学位,是一个怪杰,号称清朝最后一根辫子(至一九二八年死的时候还留着)。他倒读英文报纸嘲笑英国人,说美国人没有文化,第一个将中国的《论语》、《中庸》用英文和德文翻译到西方。凭三寸不烂之舌,向日本首相伊藤博文大讲孔学,与文学大师列夫·托尔斯泰书信来往,讨论世界文化和政坛局势,被印度圣雄甘地称为“最尊贵的中国人”。 ;;;As the defenders of Oriental culture, Gu Hongmings reputation is celebrated. Gu Hongming lecture in Peking University Students openly said: why should we study English poem? It is because you want to learn English, our Chinese personhoods truth, placid poetry education, to explain to the free state. At that time, he is defiant, called the western in state, for this reason, many people only think of him as a joke maker, but neglected his inner anguish, ignored him on Oriental culture positive thinking, ignored him on this land of destiny deep concern, also ignore he had made a firm and desperate struggle.; 辜鸿铭,作为东方文化的捍卫者,辜鸿铭的声誉也逐渐显赫起来。辜鸿铭在北京大学讲课时对学生们公开说:“我们为什么要学英文诗呢?那是因为要你们学好英文后,把我们中国人做人的道理,温柔敦厚的诗教,去晓喻那些四夷之邦。”在那样的时候,他还嘴硬,叫西方为“四夷之邦”,为此,许多人仅仅把他当成一个笑料的制造者,却忽略了他内心的痛苦,忽略了他对东方文化的积极思考,忽略了他对这片土地命运的深切关注,也忽略了他曾做出的坚定而绝望的挣扎。 ;In 1915 the spring and


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