Ghetto of Venice Access to the Target Node and the Random Target Access Time.pdf

Ghetto of Venice Access to the Target Node and the Random Target Access Time.pdf

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Ghetto of Venice Access to the Target Node and the Random Target Access Time

7 Ghetto of Venice: Access to the 0 0 Target Node and the Random Target 2 t Access Time c O 6 D. Volchenkov and Ph. Blanchard 1 ] BiBoS, University Bielefeld, Postfach 100131, h D-33501, Bielefeld, Germany p - Phone: +49 (0)521 / 106-2972 c o Fax: +49 (0)521 / 106-6455 s. E-Mail: VOLCHENK@Physik.Uni-Bielefeld.DE s c i February 2, 2008 s y h p Abstract [ Random walks defined on undirected graphs assign the absolute scores 1 to all nodes based on the quality of path they provide for random walk- v ers. In city space syntax, the notion of segregation acquires a statistical 1 interpretation with respect to random walks. We analyze the spatial net- 2 0 work of Venetian canals and detect its most segregated part which can be 3 identified with canals adjacent to the Ghetto of Venice. . 0 1 PACS codes: 89.75.Fb, 89.75.-k, 89.90.+n 7 0 : Keywords: Complex networks; traffic equilibrium; city space syntax. v i X r 1 Introduction a The spatial network of Venice that stretches across 122 small is- lands between which the canals serve the function of roads is consti- tuted by 96 canals. In March, 1516 the Government of the Serenis- sima Repubblica issued special laws, and the first Ghetto of Europe was instituted. It was an area


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