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【 审题谋篇】 1. 主体时态: 【 词义辨析】 【 词义辨析】 【 词义辨析】 【 遣词造句】 1.词汇: 【 连句成篇】 I will go to college in the near future. I have some plans for my future college life. As is known to everybody , study always comes first , so I plan to set new study goals for me to work for and improve my way of leaning. What’s more , as I am away from my parents , it is necessary for me to learn to live independently and deal with difficult problems or tough situations. 【 连句成篇】 【 遣词造句】 2. 改写、合并句子: 【 遣词造句】 2. 改写、合并句子: 大学生活即将开始。你将面对新的学习和生活环境。请根据提示写一篇短文,谈谈你打算如何安排你的大学生活。内容要点:确定新的学习目标;改进学习方法;学会独立生活;参加各种课外活动;处理好与同学的关系。 注意:1. 词数100-120个;2. 信的开头和结尾已给出;3.短文内容要求连贯、完整 。 I’ll go to college in the near future. 【写作任务与要求】大学生活畅想 ①. 涵盖所有要点; ②. 根据连贯、完整的行文需求做适度、必要的拓展和延伸; ③. 注重高级词汇、复杂结构及衔接、过渡词句在文中的适当应用。 2. 内容要点: 以一般将来时为主,并注重表将来各种结构的灵活、准确应用。 方式方法 ①.way (C of , to-do) a method or manner of doing sth.方法,手段,方式; ②.method (C, of/for ) a planned way of doing sth.方法 ③.approach (C, to) A method of doing sth. or dealing with a problem.方法,步骤 ④.means (C, of) a method or way of doing …方法,手段 参加参与 ①. attend (I;T) to be present at; go to…出席,参加; ②. join (T) to take part in (an activity) as a member of a group参加,加入 …当中; ③. participate in ④. take part in… 目标目的 ①. aim (C, of) the desired result of one’s efforts ;intention or purpose 目标,目的,意图; ②. goal (C ) one’s aim or purpose; a position or object one wishes to reach or obtain;目标,目的; ③. target (C, of) object which one aims to reach 要实现的目标,指标。 ④. set (oneself) a goal/aim/target… ①. 确定目标: set new study goals ②.改进方法: improve my method of leaning ③.学会独立生活: learn to live independently ④.参加课外活动: attend / participate in school activities ⑤.处理好与…关系 get along well with In my spare time I will actively participate in different kinds of school activities , for example , I will often go to the English Corner to practise my spoken English .In addition, getting along well with my classmates and teachers is an important part of my personal devel


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