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M1-M3模块复习检测 一.写出下列短语,并选择用其正确形式完成句子: 与…联系________________ 到目前为止________________ 倒数 _________________ 搜寻 _______________ (某人)花时间/钱做某事________________ 为…感到自豪 ________________ 等不及去做某事________________ 害怕做某事________________ 看着他们的眼睛________________ 对做某事很激动________________ 没问题________________ 与…不同________________ 为了________________ 收到…来信________________ 上网________________ When Tom saw the present, he ____________________ to open it. Please remember ___________________________ when you talk with Americans. ---Mike moved to New York ten years ago. --- I look forward to ______________ him. At first, I ______________________ taking a plane to travel. Tomorrow is Women’s Day, so mother ______________________ going shopping. Jane ran so fast _______________ get to the cinema on time. Mr White often _________________________ his friends by sending emails. --- Spell the word, please! --- What about _______________ to look it up by yourself? The man keeps __________________ the latest information about NBA on the Internet. --- Summer holiday is coming. --- Yes, I’m _______________ the days. --- Can you help me carry the books? --- ________________. I bought another bike , and it _______________________ the old one. _____________, Kate has learnt ten Chinese songs. Jam speaks Chinese well so his parents ______________________ him. Have you __________ a little time _____________(recite) new words ? 二. 选词填空 invite laugh watch find experience telephone different keep possible read Jane received a(n) _______________ to a party just now. The teacher often tells us that nothing is _______________. My eyes hurt. I think I must stop _________ green trees for a while. May I use your mobile phone? None of the ___________ here is working. These two sisters are twins but there are many ________________ between them People_______ just ________ the lost boy. ___________ healthy, many people take exercise every day


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