U5 ReadingSave the endangered animals.ppt

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U5 ReadingSave the endangered animals

22. They need to eat a lot to stay healthy, so they spend more than 12 hours a day eating. 他们需要大量进食以保持健康,因此它们一 天进食花的时间超过12个小时。 ① stay healthy=keep healthy 保持健康 你应该多一点锻炼来保持健康。 You?should?exercise?more?to?stay?healthy.? ②spend some time (in) doing sth 花时间做某事 例如: 我花了三个小时打扫我的房子。 I spent three hours (in) cleaning my house. 【拓展】spend 的常用结构还有 spend some time / money on sth 在某事物上花时间或金钱 例如: 汤姆花了三个小时在作业上。 Tom spent three hours on his homework. 她花了200美元买了这个钱包。 She spent 200 dollars on this purse. 选择最佳答案填空。 ( )1. You shouldn’t spend too much time ____ TV. A. to watch B. watch C. to watching D. watching ( )2. My team spent half a year ____ this project. A. in B. on C. at D. with 根据中文意思完成句子。 3. 他们花了三年的时间造这座桥。 They ______ three years ______ this bridge. spent building D B Practice 23. …, it is not difficult for them to climb trees. …, 对它们来说爬树并不难。 It is important for us to protect them. 对我们而言保护它们很重要。 It is + adj. + for sb to do sth 对某人来说,做某事是…… 在该句型中,常用对动作进行评价的形容词。例如: 对你来说,解决这个问题是很容易的。 ____ is easy ____ you ____ ____ this problem. It for to solve 24.They are strong enough to protect themselves. 它们十分强壮,足以保护自己。 adj. + enough to do 足够……可以做 其否定形式为not + adj. + enough to do,可与 too +adj. + to do 结构互换使用,但要注意的 是这两个结构中的形容词互为反义词。如: 他太小,还不能照顾自己。 He is not old enough to look after himself. = He is too young to look after himself. 25. People are cutting down forests, so the pandas are losing their homes. 人们一直在砍伐森林,因此大熊猫正不断失 去家园。 ① cut down 砍倒 如: 对我来说用一把刀很难砍倒这棵树。 ____ is hard ____ me ____ ____ ____ the tree. It for to cut down ②lose one’s home 失去家园 如: 地震后,很多人失去了家园。 After the earthquake, a lot of people lost their homes. 26. Some people are killing them for their fur. 有人猎杀大熊猫以盗取它们的皮毛。 ① kill for 为了……而猎杀 过去,猎人杀动物是为了食物。 In the past hunters kill animals for food. ② fur n.( 动物的)毛皮 狗咬狗,两嘴毛。 When?dog?bites?dog,?each?gets?a?mouthful?of?fur. 27. It is cruel of them to do so. 他们这么做是


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