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Text A Wild Jaguars in Arizona Pre-reading Tasks Discuss the following questions in class. 1. Are you interested in wildlife? What kind of wildlife do you like best? 2. Do you think it is interesting to take pictures of wild animals? Why? New Words and Expressions jaguar n. a large feline mammal of Central and South America, closely related to the leopard and having a tawny coat spotted with black rosettes. 美洲豹,美洲虎(两种译名实为同一动物,目前译名不统一):一种产自中美及南美地区的大型猫科哺乳动物( 猫科),与豹有很近的血缘关系,长有黄褐色带黑色花斑的皮毛 rare adj. 1. infrequently occurring; uncommon 罕见的,稀少的,珍贵的 e.g. a rare event / 罕见的事件 a plant that is rare in this region / 在本地区很少见的植 物 2. excellent; extraordinary 优秀的,不寻常的 e.g. a rare fine view / 极好的风景 capture v. 1. to take captive, as by force or craft; seize 俘虏;捕获 e.g. The bots captured butterflies in the field. 2. to gain possession or control of, as in a game or contest 赢得,夺取 e.g. captured the liberal vote / 赢得自由党的选票 3. to attract and hold 引起(注意)并吸引住 e.g. tales of adventure that capture the imagination / 引起想象的探险故事 4. [转义]记录, 接收, 拍摄 n. 1.捕获, 夺得, 俘获 2.俘虏; 战利品 border n. 1. a part that forms the outer edge of something 边界,边缘 e.g. a picture frame with a wide border 2. the line or frontier area separating political divisions or geographic regions; a boundary 边境 v. 1. to put a border on 作为······的边界 2. to lie along or adjacent to the border of 相连 e.g. Canada borders the United States / 加拿大与美国毗邻 automatic n. 自动机械,自动装置 adj. 1. acting or operating in a manner essentially independent of external influence or control自动的 2. self-regulating 自动调节的 e.g. an automatic washing machine /自动洗衣机 3. 无意识的, 机械的 motion n. 1. the act or process of changing position or place 运动 e.g. motion and rest 运动和静止 2. active operation 积极运转 e.g. set the plan in motion / 执行该计划 3. the manner in which the body moves 姿态 e.g. Her motion on the s


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