【免费】side by side 朗文国际英语教程第二册 Capater1 教案.doc

【免费】side by side 朗文国际英语教程第二册 Capater1 教案.doc

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【免费】side by side 朗文国际英语教程第二册 Capater1 教案

VOCABULARY past tense verbs: bought(buy gave(give lent(lend lost(lose sent(send sold(sell swam(swim drive(drove go(went lend(lent write(wrote common gifts CD CD player doll painting perfume(香水) plant present Food cheese oranges pancakes Places Around the U.S. California Florida New Jersey Wisconsin East Coast West Coast up north down south Directions east north south west Communication chat online communicate Internet message send Miscellaneous advice ago anniversary coast condominium far apart give advice go hiking into like to van Grammar I/ you/ we/ they cook He /She/It cooks I/ You/ We/ They like to/don’t like to cook. He /She /It likes to /doesn’t like to cook. I am/You are/We are/They are cooking. He is/She is/It is cooking. I/ He/She/It/We/You/They cooked I’m/He’s/She’s/It’s/We’re/You’re/They’re going to cook. Am I/Is he/Is she/Is it/Are you/Are we/Are they going to cook? Yes, I am/he is/she is/it is/we are /you are/they are. No, I’m not/he isn’t/she isn’t/it isn’t/we aren’t/you aren’t/they’aren’t. He gave me/him/her/it/us/you/them a present. yesterday yesterday morning/afternoon/evening last night last week/weekend/month/year last Sunday/Monday/…/Saturday last January/February/…/December last spring/summer/fall/autumn/winter FUNCTIONS Inquiring about intention Are you going to cook spaghetti this week? What are you going to give your wife for her? Expressing likes and dislikes Do you like spaghetti? Yes, I do./ No, I don’t. Do you like to ski? Yes, I do. /No, I don’t. I don’t like to cook spaghetti very often. Expressing inability I can’t give her a necklace. Suggesting How about flowers? Expressing Uncertainty I don’t know./I’m not sure./I don’t know for sure. Expressing likes and dislikes ☆I enjoy…    我热爱……。 / 我喜欢……。 ★ I enjoy losing face.★ I enjoy trying new things.★ I enjoy speaking English very much. A: I enjoy watching TV. ☆I hate…   我讨厌……。 ★ I hat


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