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智 课 网 雅 思 备 考 资 料 【独家】2014年12月20日雅思写作解析及范文 名师简介 夏萍萍,英文名Aven, 硕士学位。资深雅思、新托福培训教师,济 南智课阅读、写作主讲老师。拥有多年海外考试培训经验,帮助山东财 经大学的于同学从雅思零基础短时提高到阅读满分的好成绩,帮助山东 大学孙同学取得托福阅读满分,写作两周学习时间提升至25分,并成功 帮多名出国学子成功攻破语言关。 2014年12月20日雅思写作真题解析及范文 雅思写作Task 1: The pie charts below show the changes in the proportion of pollutants entering a particular part of ocean from 1997 to 2007. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. 题目分析:饼图,动态图,重点写两个饼图之间的对比。 雅思写作范文: 相关练习素材及备考建议: 饼图和线图一样,是图标作文中两个基 本的图形,需要重点准备,现在单独一个饼图出现的几率比较小 ,基本 上都是两个甚至多个饼图,或者在组合图中出现。推荐同学们练习C8-T 2(P53)和C9-T3(P76)。 若想定期收到雅思机经或押题信息 ,请向在线老师咨询要求 雅思写作Task 2 some people think painting and drawings are as important as other subjects, and they should be compulsory in high school education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 题型类别 :argument类 雅思写作范文: 相关题目辨析:Some people think schools should only teach studenets academic subjects. Others think school should also teach students how to discriminate between right and wrong. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 话题词汇 : 培养 cultivate, foster,nurture 心理健康 psychological soundness/well-being/ welfare 青少年 adolescent, youngster, youth 传授知识impart knowledge 给学生以灵感 give the students inspiration 填鸭式教学生 force-feed the students 使自己适应..的发展Adapt oneself to the development of sth 知识面Scope of knowledge 有趣的Stimulating 提高了社会能力和竞争力Promote social skills and competence 知识面Scope of knowledge 塑造某人的性格 mould one’s character 智课寒假班大促!立即报班享8折 ,还送2000元留学游学代金券! 版权声明 :本原创文章版权归“智课外语网(


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