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6. succeed vi. 成功 vt. 接替,继承 It is not hard to succeed if you work hard. 只要你努力工作,获得成功就不是件难事。 success n.成功;成功的人或事 successful adj. 成功的 successfully adv. 成功地 succeed in doing sth. =be successful in doing sth. =manage to do sth. 成功干某事 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)他成功地得到了那份工作。 He ____________________ getting the job. He was ____________________ in getting the job. (2)许多女人能成功地将婚姻和事业结合起来。 Many women can ____________________ mix marriage and career. succeeded in successful successfully (3)接替肯尼迪任总统的是谁? Who ____________ Kennedy as President? succeeded 7. harm n. 危害 The endless quest for thinness has done far more harm than good. 没完没了地追求瘦身已经远远弊大于利。 be harmful to sb. / sth. 对某人/物有害 do harm to sb. 伤害某人 do more harm than good 弊大于利 there is no harm in doing sth. 做某事并无害处 根据汉语意思,完成英文句子 (1)他说出心里的想法,本无恶意伤害你。 He didnt intend to _________________ you by saying what he thought. (2)如果我们用这种方式解决问题,那可能弊大于利。 If we solve the problem in this way, it may ____________________. do harm to do more harm than good (3)他可能帮不上什么忙,但是问他一下倒也无妨。 He may not be able to help but ____________________ in asking him. theres no harm 1 . die out (动植物)灭绝;死光;消失 This kind of animal died out dozens of years ago. 这种动物已经在几十年前断种了。 die of 死于(多内因)    die from 死于(多外因) die down 变弱;逐渐消失 be dying for 渴望得到 be dying to do sth. 渴望做某事 用适当的介词或副词完成句子 (1)在寒冷的冬天,野兽可能因缺乏食物而饿死。 In a severe winter, wild animals die ________ lack of food. (2)我真想喝点什么。 I am really dying ________ a drink. (3)这风变得小多了。 The wind died ________ quite a lot. from  for down 2. peace 平静的(地);安静的(地) We share a common desire to make our country rich and our people live in peace. 富国安民是我们共同的愿望。 in silence 安静地     in a hurry 匆忙地 in surprise 惊奇地   in peace与at peace in peace 和平地;和睦地;宁静地 at peace (与at war 相反)休战、和睦相处 用in peace和at peace填空 (1)现在这个村子没有战争的纷扰,但是随着双方战乱再起,那儿的人们将无法过太平的日子。 The village is ________________ now, but with both sides ready to fight again,


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