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中国地质大学长城学院 本科毕业设计外文资料翻译 系 别: 工程技术系 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 姓 名: 学 号: 2015年 4月 18日 数控车床加工中心的发展 近些年来,随着数控机床、加工中心、柔性制造单元、柔性制造系统等现代化加工设备的广泛应用,使传统的机械加工的制造方法发生了重大变革,夹具的功能逐渐转变为装夹、定位。而数字化的设备加工功能的扩大化,给今后夹具的快速定位、快速装夹提出了更高地要求。 夹具,就是在机械的加工和制造的过程之中,用来定位和固定加工器件的一种机械设备,夹具在整个加工过程中占有极其重要的地位,他不但可以准确地固定加工器具,还能对器件的施工和检测带来诸多的方便。是一种具有较高柔性的先进工艺装备,主要适用于数控机床、加工中心以及柔性加工单元和柔性制造系统,不仅保持了组合夹具的传统优势,而且更符合现代加工理念。它是由一套预先制造好的各种不同形状、不同规格尺寸的标准元件组装而成。 Fixture development and trend analysis In recent years, with the numerical control machine tools, machining centers, flexible manufacturing cells, flexible manufacturing systems, the extensive application of modern processing equipment, the traditional method of machining manufacturing has undergone major changes, fixture clamping function gradually changed, positioning . And digital processing functions of the expansion device, to quickly locate the next fixture, to quickly put a higher clamping requirements. Fixture is in the mechanical processing and manufacturing process, used to locate a device and fixed processing machinery and equipment, fixtures in the entire process occupies an extremely important position, he not only can accurately fixed processing equipment, but also construction and testing of devices to bring a lot of convenience. Clamping is a high flexibility of advanced technology and equipment, mainly applied to CNC machine tools, machining centers and flexible manufacturing cells and flexible manufacturing systems, not only to maintain the traditional advantages of modular fixture, and more in line with modern processing concept. It is a good variety of different pre-made ??shapes, different sizes of standard components assembled. In the mechanical manufacturing process, for a fixed processing object, it occupies the correct position to accept the construction, testing devices, can be collectively referred to as fixture. Drilling jig fro


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