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() 2005 6         ACTA PET ROLEI SINICA (PET ROLEUM PROCESSING SECTION)      21 3   :100-1 87 19(2005)03-001-7 08 21 PETROLEUM REFINING TECHNOLOGIES st AND CATALYSIS IN THE 21 CENTURY 李大东 LI Da-dong ( , 100083) (R esearch I n sti tu te of P e tro leum P rocessin g , S IN OP E C, B eij i ng 100083, Ch ina) :。, 。(MIP)、 (RIDOS)、 (RSDS)、 (RICH )、 (RT S), -(RICP), (DCC CPP)、 (M HUG)(RMC)- ———(S HMP)。 , 。, 。   :;;;;- :T E624   :A Abstract:Th d v lopm nt of p trol um r fining industry is mark -t driv n and ori nt d. In ord r to fulfill th mark t d mands, a s ri s of nov l t chnologi s hav b n d v lop d to produc cl an fu ls and ch mical raw mat rials. Th r mainly ar introduc d th cl an fu l production t chnologi s lik maximum isoparafin production(M IP), RIPP isom rization and for d ol fin and hydrod sulfurization(RIDOS)and RIPP s l ctiv hy drod sulfurization (RSDS)for FCC gasolin , RIPP incr asing c tan numb r of di s l fu l by hy drog nation (RICH )and RIPP hydrog nation t chnology for U LSD production (RTS ), th d p r sidu transformation t chnologi s lik RIPP int grat d combination proc ss for r sidu hy droproc ssing (RICP), th int gration t chnologi s of p trol um r fining and p troch mical production lik d p catalytic cracking (DCC )and cracking for maximizing thyl n and propyl n production (CPP ), m dium pr ssur hydro-upgrading (M HUG ) and RIPP m dium pr ssur hy drocracking (RM C ), and th combination of catalytic t chnologi s lik SINOPEC hy drotr ating for maximum propyl n of FCC proc ss (SHMP). Th s t chnologi s compris som n w catalytic


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