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四川有色金属 18 Sichuan Nonferrous Metals 2008 3 : 1006- 4079( 2008)01- 0018- 05 从红土镍矿中提取镍的技术研究现状及展望 1 1, 2 1,3 , , ( 1., 341000;2., 610081; 3. , 341000) : 随着世界上硫化镍矿资源日趋枯竭, 开发利用红土镍矿是未来镍业发展的方向本 文 绍的红土镍矿处理工艺有火法工艺和湿法工艺, 其中火法工艺和湿法工艺中的氨浸 法高压酸浸法存在明显缺点, 而常压酸浸法有工艺简单能耗低操作易于控制投资少 等优点, 将会有很好的发展前景 : ; ; ;; ; : TF815 :A The Current Situation and Prospects of the Process and Technology of Nickel Extraction from Laterite- nickel ore 1 1, 2 1,3 ZHOU Xiao- wen ,ZHA G Jian- chun ,LUO Xian- ping (1. Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, Ganzhou 341000, Jiangxi, China 2. Sichuan Research Institute of Non- f errous etals etallurgy, Chengdu 610081, Sichuan, China 3. Engineering research center of high- eff iciency develop ment and application technology of tungsten resources, inistry of Education, Ganzhou 341000, Jiangxi, China) Abstract:With the sulfide nickel ore in the world resources dry up day by day, the development of laterite - nickelorewill be themain direction of nickel industry in future. Pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy are introduced in this article, pyrometallurgy, ammoniacalleaching and high- pressured acid leaching has obvi ous disadvantage. Craft simply , energy consumption low, the operation easy to control, investment low are the merits of the constant- pressured acid leaching.It is belived that constant- pressured acid leaching will be have very good prospects for development. Key ords: ickel;Laterite- nickel ore;Ammoniacal leaching; High- pressured acid leaching; Constant- pressured acid leaching; Microbial le


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