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: 目前我国国内还普遍缺乏对危险废弃物焚烧处理的机理研究, 尤其是焚烧过程中关 氯重金属排放
及二者之间关系的基础研究从这 一点出发, 着重研究了典型危险废弃物之一染料残渣在小型管式炉中焚烧
过程中氯化氢的排放特性; 并利用化学热力学平衡方法计算了焚烧过程中氯元素对多种常见重金属的排放影
响; 初步研究了在利用回转窑处理危险废弃物时, 两种脱氯剂对烟气中氯的脱除效果
: 危险废弃物; 氯; 重金属; 染料残渣; 化学热力学平衡计算; 回转窑; 脱氯剂
: X 705 : A : 1004 - 3950 ( 2006) 05- 00 31- 05
E ffect of ch lorin e on h eavy m etals during incineration and
study on th e characteristics of d e-ch lorine
TIAN W en-bin, J IAN G X u-g uang, CH I Yong, et al
( State key L aboratory of C ean Energy U ti ization, Zhej iang U n iversity, H ang zhou 310002, Ch ina)
A bstrac t: A t the present tmi e, few researchers in our country pay the ir attention on the mechan ism of the inc inera tion of
hazardou s w astes, espec ia y on the m echan ism o f em issions of ch or ine, heavy m e ta s and the re ation of them. Based
on the factm entioned above, w e choose one of the hazardou sw aste, the dy ing residue, as the study ob ject. W e ma in y
study the em ission characteristics o f hydroch or ine w hen com bu sting the dy ing residue in a tubu ar furnace; m oreover,
w e uti ize the thermodynam ics equ i ibrium m ode to investiga te the effec t of ch or ine on the em issions o f severa heavy
m eta s dur ing incineration; f ina y, w e a so m ake a itt e researches on ge tting rid of ch or ine w ith sorbents w hen d ispo-
sing the hazardou s w astes w ith ro tary k in.
K ey w ord s: hazardou s w aste; ch or ine; heavy me ta s; dy ing residue; the rmodynam ics equi ibr ium mode; ro tary k in;
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