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72 CHINA OILS AND FATS 2009 Vol34 No7 周海梅, 马锦琦, 苗春雨, 胡吉良,杨志勇, 李 朴, 郑美玲 (河南科技大学 法医学院,河南洛阳 471003) : 索氏提取法获得牡丹籽油,经皂化甲酯化后 毛细管 GC-MS法对其脂肪酸成分进行分 析, 面积归一化法计算相对含量, 同时按国家标准对牡丹籽油的理化指标进行了检测结果表明, 牡丹籽油中共有 17种脂肪酸成分,主要为亚麻酸油酸亚油酸等, 不饱和脂肪酸占83. 05%,饱和 脂肪酸占 14. 33%; 牡丹籽油的酸值 ( KOH) 为 1. 784 mg/g, 碘值 ( I) 为 176. 2 g/100 g, 皂化值 (KOH)为 194. 4mg/g,相对密度 0. 930 7说明牡丹籽是一种良好的油料资源,适宜开发利 :牡丹籽油;理化指标;脂肪酸; 气相色谱-质谱 : TS222; TS227 : A : 1003- 7969( 2009) 07- 0072- 03 Physicoch em ical indexes and fatty acid com position of peony seed oil ZHOU Hami e,iMA Jinq,iM IAO Chunyu,HU Jiliang, YANG Zhiyong, LIPu, ZHENG Meiling (Faculty ofForensicMedicine,Henan University ofScience andTechnology, Luoyang 471003,Henan, China) Abs tract: The peony seed oilwas obtainedby Soxhletextraction. After saponification and esterification of the oi,l the fatty acid compositionwas determined by capillary GC-MS, and the relative contentwas de termined by peak area normalization. The physicochemical indexes of peony seed oilwere analyzed by state standardmethod. The results showed that 17 fatty acidswere identified, and themajor fatty acids were linolenic acid, oleic acid and linoleic acid. The contentofunsaturated fatty acidswas 83. 05%, and that of saturated fatty acidswas14. 33%. The physicochem ical indexes ofpeony seed oilwere asfollows: acid value 1. 784 mgKOH /g, iodine value 176. 2 gI/100 g, saponification value 194. 4 mgKOH /g, rela tive density 0. 930 7. The peony seedwas a new oil resource containing rich linolenic acid. K ey w ord s: peony seed oil; physicochemical index; fatty acid; GC-MS ( Paeon ia suff ru itico sa Andr. ) , 1 ,, 1. 1 材料试剂 : 10 , , -


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