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24 12 V ol. 24 , N o. 12 2010 12 CHINA PLASTICS Dec. , 20 10 CO 2 程 博, 齐暑华, 吴 波, 曹 鹏 ( , 710129) : CO , 4 2 , CO 3 2 , , : ; ; ; : T Q 328 : A : 1001- 9278( 2010) 12- 0014- 07 Study Progess of Microcellular PlasticsFoamedby Supercritical CO2 CH EN G Bo, Q Shuhua, WU Bo, CAO Peng ( Department of Applied Chemistr y, Scho ol of Science, No rthw ester n Polytechnical U niver sity , Xi an 710 129, China) Abstract:T he charact erist ics and f unctio n of supercritical CO2 are intr oduced in t his art icle. T he f our st ag es of supercr it ical CO2 foaming, gas dissolving, bubble nucleat ion, bubble gr ow th, and cell shaping w ere introduced. n addit ion, t hree f requently-used pro cessing m et hods, bat ching, extrusio n, and inject ing molding s of m icrocellular plast ics are summ ar ized. T he eff ect s of t emperatur e, pressure, t ime, and ext ernal f orce f ield on cell str ucture are part icularly discussed. T he developm ent trend of micr ocellular plast ics in t he futur e is also for ecast ed. ey words: supercr it ical carbon dioxide; microcellular plast ics; foam ing; study prog ess 0 , 0 . 1~ 10 m 9 15 3 10 ~ 10 / cm [ 1] 5 % ~ 95 % [ 12] N P Suh 20 , 80 , T r ex el 20 [ 2]


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