
11 772-775 z791 基础研究 4+20 酸湿热处理对米粉性质的影响研究.pdf

11 772-775 z791 基础研究 4+20 酸湿热处理对米粉性质的影响研究.pdf

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现代食品科技 Modern Food Science and Technology 2012, Vol.28, No.7 酸湿热处理对米粉性质的影响研究 李源,张欣欣,黄立新 (华南理工大学轻工与食品学院,广东广州510640) 摘要:本文在实验室条件下采用酸湿热处理米粉样品,测定处理前后米粉的化学组成变化、颗粒形貌、结晶性质、红外图谱、 热力学性质、糊化性质和消化特性。研究表明,经过酸湿热处理后的米粉蛋白质含量减少较多,其它的粗脂肪、还原糖变化不大。显 微结构分析得出米粉保持原有的团粒结构,但偏光十字稍微变得模糊,颗粒的有序结构遭到一定破坏,少数淀粉脐点处出现凹坑。红 外图谱变化不大,结晶度变小。处理后米粉的起糊温度升高,糊的峰值粘度降低,吸收焓减小。酸湿热处理可以一定程度下提高米粉 中慢速消化淀粉(SDS)的含量。 关键词:米粉;酸湿热处理;性质;慢消化淀粉 文章篇号:1673-9078(2012)7-772-775 Effect of Acid and Heat-moisture Treatment on the Properties of Rice Flour LI Yuan, ZHANG Xin-xin, HUANG Li-xin (College of Light Industry and Food Sciences, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510640, China) Abstract: The rice flour was modified by acid and heat -moisture treatment in the experimental condition in this paper. Polarization microscope, scanning electron micrograph, infrared spectrometer, X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) instrument, Brabender viscosity instrument were used to study the properties of rice flour before and after the treatment . The results indicated that its protein content was reduced, while other components kept constant. The processed rice flour granules were damaged lightly by acid and heat-moisture. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the acid and heat-moisture treatment made crystalline structure of starch reduced. No clear change w as observed in infrared spectrometer. DSC showed that the endothermic peak of rice starch moved backward, and the absorption enthalpy (△H) decreased. Brabender paste viscosity curve showed that the samples had low viscosity . The in-vitro classification of nutritional segments of modified rice flour showed that its slowly digestible starch (SDS) content increased to som


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