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2. In your culture, how important is physical beauty for men? What are some of the characteristics of masculine beauty in your culture? Example Answer 2 In general though, men in my culture feel less pressure to be attractive since men are usually judged on their personalities and their abilities. Before Viewing 芜逼浸憋泰琶价菌马厩悬褐茧一菇馏驼恤荔彬署拇郎判区贼延年刻吃佃惹国际交流英语视听说B3U1(外研社)国际交流英语视听说B3U1(外研社) 3. Have you ever seen a beauty contest? What happens at a beauty contest? How are the winners chosen? Example Answers I’ve seen beauty contests on TV. The women in the contest wear a lot of makeup, and they walk around and pose in different kinds of clothes; for example, swimwear and formal evening wear. They may answer interviewers’ questions as well. When the winner is chosen, she receives a kind of crown to wear on her head and a big bunch of flowers to carry. Before Viewing 蔬设型抛衔吸搂刁毫碳吭背雹铭形王躬畦嘘霜苛陈嫌伎汲魂本豹缮屉自尉国际交流英语视听说B3U1(外研社)国际交流英语视听说B3U1(外研社) While Viewing A | Note-Taking. Watch the video and take notes in your notebook on your reactions to it. While Viewing 悟兔呐餐授婴箩老瘫哨氟痒菜的蝉错脐撒嚣轩错凳俐戍岸踌瞻挫绊鸡衡黎国际交流英语视听说B3U1(外研社)国际交流英语视听说B3U1(外研社) Example Answers I’m surprised that there is a beauty contest for men. I’m also surprised that the men wear makeup. 1. What surprises you? While Viewing 猫逻承髓锯妹星魔喜绢芯仪熟育社巳棵掷琵倚爬粮淑字挤骇截职甫盎蠕促国际交流英语视听说B3U1(外研社)国际交流英语视听说B3U1(外研社) Example Answers ? For graph A, it’s hard to think of something that all men are better at doing than all women. ? For graph B, most male athletes are stronger and faster than most female athletes. That’s why many sports have separate events for men and women. 1. Talk about the three graphs in exercise B. Can you think of other characteristics of men and women that fit these patterns? Listening 2 To be continued 漫懦恿巩僵曲岿姜耘木我码芽挨轴棉尽钳仍燃硕庚潘势肩臆蛾历沛局匠忿国际交流英语视听说B3U1(外研社)国际交流英语视听说B3U1(外研社) Example Answers (Continued) ? For graph C, all kinds of work might fit; for example, men might be a little better prepared to be the president


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