翻译 操纵论 PPT.ppt

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翻译 操纵论 PPT

An Introduction of Manipulation Theory 1. Brief Introduction 2. Developments Important Figures 3. Basic Concepts 4. Three Manipulative Factors 5. Valuation Contents Ideology Patronage Poetics 1. Brief Introduction What is translation? Traditional view An activity to achieve content equivalence between the source and the target text. 1. Brief Introduction Traditional view Linguistic view In the 1950s, scholars put the translation studies into the field of linguistics. What is translation? 1. Brief Introduction Traditional view Linguistic view Cultural view “Cultural Turn” In the 1980s, translation studies began to enter a new stage—cultural view of translation. What is translation? 1. Brief Introduction Traditional view Linguistic view Cultural view An activity to achieve content equivalence between the source and the target text. A special political, cultural and literary activity in the target society. What is translation? 1. Brief Introduction A rough definition 操纵学派是文化翻译学派的重要组成部分,其核心观点是译者在翻译过程中要受到目标文化中意识形态和诗学的操纵。 1 Theo Hermans 2. Developments An English translation theorist. Professor of Dutch and Comparative Literature at University College London (UCL). 1985 “From the point of view of the target literature, all translation implies a manipulation of the source text for a certain purpose. ” “从目标文学的视点来看,所有的翻译都意味着为了某种目的对原文文本进行某种程度的操纵。” The Rudiment of Manipulation Theory 2 André Lefevere (1945-1996) 2. Developments A Belgian American scholar, one of the most important translation theorists of the second half of the twentieth century. 比利时出生的学者,先后任教与香港,安特卫普和美国等地,去世前在德克萨斯大学德语系任教。 1992 Lefevere put forth the Manipulation Theory in his representative work Translation, Rewriting and the Manipulation of Literary Fame. 勒菲弗尔提出把翻译研究纳入多种“重写”和“折射”研究的范畴之内,并在《翻译、重写和文学名声的操纵》指明翻译是译者对文本的操纵,并系统论述了翻译的操纵观。 The Formation of Manipulation Theory 3. Basic Concepts “Translation is a rewriting of an original text. Rewriting is manipulation.” 翻译是一种“ 重写”,重写即操纵,是为权力服务的手段。 3. Basic Con


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