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2007年7 月第7期
中国民族医药杂志 51
,115~ 118 2, ,
7 参考文献
1!国家中医药管理局中华本草编委会. 中华本草 M!. 第4
, 册.上海科技出版社, 1999:453.
,, , 2!朱兆云.云南 然药物图鉴 M!.第二卷. 云南科技出版
,, 社,2004:39.
,, , 3!李文辉. 云南省志. 医药志卷七十 M!. 云南人民出版
,, 社,1995:632.
,, , 4!云南省药检所.云南民族药名录 M!.1983:100.
2007年5 月10 日收稿
Pharmacognostical studies on Desmodrum sequax wall.E.D.Smvatum (miq)
Zuo Ai- hua YangJing ei Qun- hui (Yunnan College of Traditional Medicine,650200)
Zheng Jing- jing (YunnanResearch Institute of pharmaceuticals,650000)
Abstract:Objective:To wave of ethnic medicines leaf speciesDesmodrum sequax wall.E.D.Smvatum(miq) BL.ex.
Baker provisionof the development anduse of pharmaceutical informationto lay thefoundationfor the indepth study
medicine.Methods:source identification,characterization,andthe physical and chemical identificationof micro-wave
method for leaf speciespharmacognosy.Result:It provesthat the main chemical components of the alkaloids,fat,ste
roid,organic acids,tannins,reductive compounds.Thefundamental characteristicsof vascular several roundsof ring to
pology,xylem tubes and by thefew largewood fiber composition. Clusters can be seen calcium oxalate crystal, or
thorhombic crystal andsand. Conclusion:The qualitystandardsfor specific ingredients,the drug useof resources inre
search anddevelopment and provide a theoretical basis.
Key words:Desmodrum sequax wall.E.D.Smvatum (miq) ;Ethnicmed
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