The economy or the environment, must we choose.ppt

The economy or the environment, must we choose.ppt

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The economy or the environment, must we choose

The economy or the environment, must we choose? James Long: Good morning, everyone. Today’s debate question is ‘The economy or the environment—must we choose?’ With me are, Mr. Lin Shuiqing, from the Society for Environmental Preservation, and Mr. Qian Liwei, an economist. We are following our usual schedule for debates. Mr. Lin Shuiqing will speak first for three minutes. Mr. Qian Liwei will follow, also for three minutes. Then we will open the floor for discussion. If you have any question or comments, you can use this time to voice them. Good morning, everyone. Today’s debate question is ‘The economy or the environment—must we choose?’ Debate: vt. 辩论,争论,讨论 vi. 辩论,争论,讨论 n. 辩论;辩论会 eg. They debated for over an hour on the merits of the different systems. With me are, Mr. Lin Shuiqing, from the Society for Environmental Preservation, and Mr. Qian Liwei, an economist. the Society for Environmental Preservation: 环境保护协会 economist: n.经济学家,经济专家 We are following our usual schedule for debates. Mr. Lin Shuiqing will speak first for three minutes. Mr. Qian Liwei will follow, also for three minutes. schedule : vt. 安排,计划;编制目录; 将……列入计划表 The secretary is trying to schedule the months appointments. 秘书正在设法安排这个月的约会。 n. 时间表;计划表;一览表 Then we will open the floor for discussion. If you have any question or comments, you can use this time to voice them. open the floor for discussion:自由发言 comment n. 评论;意见;批评 vi. 发表评论;发表意见 vt. 为…作评语 Voice: n. 声音;嗓音;发言权;愿望 vt. 表达;吐露 He voiced the feelings of the crowd. 他表达出群众的情绪。 * *


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