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Chapter 5-6 Sense Relations Sense Relations(语义关系) polysemy homonymy synonymy antonymy hyponymy -onym n combining form indicating a name or word I. Polysemy(一词多义) “Polysemy” refers to the semantic phenomenon that a word may have more than one meaning. when a word is first coined, it is always monosemic. Questions: How does a word acquire new meanings? In what way are the meanings related to one another? Relations of meaning of polysemy (p136-137) Original meaning extended meaning General meaning special meaning Abstract meaning concrete meaning Literal meaning figurative meaning Original meaning extended meaning eg. Candidate (穿白衣的人) pen (羽毛) General meaning special meaning case This is often the case with him. This is a case of cholera. fire the fire in the sitting room. gas artist Abstract meaning concrete meaning e.g. Beauty is but skin deep. She is a real beauty. eg. (on p.137) government. worry eye. stage. nerve. Literal meaning figurative meaning eg. A mirror reflects light. Their actions reflects their thought. blanket: 羊毛毯; 给……盖毛毯 像羊毛毯的东西 (a blanket of snow) 掩盖 (to blanket a scandal) 2. Two approaches to polysemy: diachronic approach : (历时角度) synchronic approach : (共时角度) Diachronic approach. From the diachronic point of view, polysemy is assumed to be the result of growth and development of the semantic structure of one and same word . At the time when the word was created, it was endowed with only one meaning. This first meaning is the primary meaning. With the advance of time and the development of language, it took on more and more meanings. These later meanings are called derived meanings as they are all derived from the primary meaning. 名词 face: the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear 同义词:human face the feelings expressed on


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