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笔译 课后翻译句子

第三单元 句子翻译 The government intends to restructure the deposit insurance system as a new financial safety net for protecting settlement systems.政府打算重建存款保险制度,作为保护结算制度的新型金融安全网。 Each of these U.S. companies is attempting to offer convenient services to customers by centering on their strong business lines.这些美国公司,每一家都突出自己具有优势的业务范围,尽全力在给顾客提供各种便利的服务。 Under the system of securitization of real estate, special purpose companies established by real estate firms issue shares in real estate by using the property as collateral.根据房地产证券化制度,由房地产开发公司所创立的特别目的公司,是通过以房地产作为担保物的方式来发行房地产股票的。 Long-term interest rates have soared almost fourfold in the past three months after the rates hit a record low in mid-June.在利率于六月中旬创下历史最低水平之后,长期利率在过去的三个月中已经飙升了几乎四倍。 Future prospects are dim, and analysts are uncertain when the global IT-related recession will bottom out.发展前景非常暗淡,分析家们还拿不准全球与信息技术相关的经济衰退到底何时探底。 Reducing the number of hours of overtime may not help those workers retain their jobs, but also increase job openings.减少加班时数不仅可帮助那些工人保住自己的工作,还可以增加职位空缺。 An increasing number of Japanese discount stores and other retailers import and sell low-priced Japanese music CDs pressed abroad.越来越多的日本折扣店和其他零售店都在进口和销售在海外模压出来的价格低廉的日本音乐激光唱片。 第四单元 The nationalized industries have been spoon-fed for so long that they dont care whether they give value for money, or make a profit or loss.这些国家有行业享受优厚待遇的时间太长了,它们并不在乎钱花得是否物有所值,也不知乎是盈利还是亏损。 The privatization of the postal savings and postal life insurance business will create a private bank and an insurance company that will be among the worlds largest.邮政储蓄业务和邮政人寿保险业务的私有化,将创造出世界上最大的私有银行和世界上最大的保险公司。 Japanese companies expanding their operations into global markets are receiving marketing, language and cultural support from the firm at their new locations.正在将营运拓展到海外市场的各日本公司在接受各自新据点所带来的市场营销援助、语言援助和文化援助。 The mid-term economic outlook serves as a guiding principle for the governments economic and fiscal management over five years beginning in fiscal 2006.在中期所进行的经济展望可看作是自2006财政


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