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函电练习五:催证函电 函电操作:催证函1 事件描述:   公司收到日本客户2500箱杏酱的订单(No.CA1305)后即寄了合同(No.STE027),在合同中规定信用证必须在收到合同后2周内开出,但收到客户寄来的回签合同已有12天,信用证尚未收到。 本次练习: 给客户发份催证函,催其开立金额为11750美元的以我方为受益人的不可撤销即期信用证,以使我方按原定计划执行上述订单。 Shiji Trading Co.,Ltd Beijing, China 12th Feb., 2003 Japan Corporation Dear Sirs, Your Order No.CA1305 With regard to your order No.CA1305 for 2,500 cartons Canned Apricot Jam , we regret up to this date we have received neither the required credit nor any further information from you. Please note that, as agreed, the terms of payment for the above order are sight Letter of Credit established within 2 weeks upon the arrival of our Sales Contract No.STE027. We hereby request you to open an irrevocable sight Letter of Credit for the amount of USD11750 in our favor, with which we can execute the above order according to the original schedule. Yours truly, Shiji Trading Co.,Ltd XXX 函电操作:催证函2 事件描述:   公司和客户签了外销合同(No.C023BJ41)却未如期收到客户开来的信用证,眼看装运期越来越近,如果信用证再不到,就要影响备货及装运了。 本次练习:   给客户发份催证函,催其尽快开证。为避免将来改证,提醒客户注意信用证中的条款和合同中的条款一致。 Jiangsu Cereals, Oils Fooddstuffs Import Export Group Corp. Jiangsu, China 16th May, 2002 Singapore ABC Corp. Dear Sirs, We are so glad that we made a conclusion with you and signed the contract No.C023BJ41. Please note that the delivery date is approaching and to open the relative L/C immediately is necessary. To avoid the subsequent amendment, please make sure that the stipulations in the L/C must be strictly conformed with those of the contract. Yours faithfully, Jiangsu Cereals, Oils Foodstuffs Import Export Group Corp. XXX 函电操作:改证函2 事件描述: 收到客户开来的信用证后,审证意见如


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