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1难忘的,有纪念意义的(m开头) 2很好地掌握英语(词组) 3go over 含义 4introduce含义 5与现在完成进行时连用的时间状语 6“坐下,就坐”的表达法 7切入主题(词组) 8be called off中文 9The cat had engineered a small miracle.(翻译) 10回忆(单词) 2015. 10月月考作文分析 第一节:情景作文(20分) 假设你是红星中学高三一班的学生李华,为校刊《英语园地》写一篇题为“Our Voluntary Activity”的英文稿件。请根据以下四幅图的内容,叙述在12月5日志愿者日当天,你们班到公交车站参加志愿者服务活动的过程。词数不少于60。稿件的开头已给出。 提示词:桶bucket 第一人称过去时 要点:6个(开头,出发,到达打扫公交车,指挥乘客排队上车,集体合影,感受) 总体情况 2班:均分15.27 13班:均分15.23 这篇文章只要平时注重写作句子的积累就能得15分以上,没达到这个分数以及我标注分给高的同学应认真反思 主要问题: 1基本的动词过去时不会变形,如: We leaded (led) them to get on the bus one by one. Some sweeped (swept) the floor. We standed (stood) in front of the bus. 2语法错误 Some helped cleaning(clean) the bus. We took a photo together with the flag holding (held) in hand. 3拼写加用词 We took a picture in front of the bus putting up/ raising( holding) the flat( flag). 4表述 All of us had different kinds of arrangement. 改成:All of us were assigned to complete different tasks. Some students shouldered the responsibility of keeping the passengers getting on the bus in order. 改成:Some students were responsible to guide the passengers to get on the bus in order. Then the station started to work. 改成:soon came the time for the bus operation. 5用词 Our monitor held the flag with the symbol( sign) (logo) of volunteers on it. Some brushed (cleaned) the windows and some washed ( swept, mopped) the floor. 6有的同学的文章句子写的过于繁琐,反而影响达意,建议读一下17,18分的作文比对一下。 On Dec.5th, several classmates in my class, me included, actively participated in the voluntary activity of cleaning buses to practice the Volunteer’s Day. 改成:On Dec.5th, the Volunteer’s Day, I together with some of my classmates went to the bus station to do some voluntary work. 7有的同学写一些套话或一些复杂句式或一些背诵的词组,只是为了使用而使用。 It was the Volunteers’ Day on December 5th that our class headed for the bus station to do some voluntary work. 改成:On December 5th---the volunteers’ Day, our class headed for the bus station to do some voluntary work. With a small flag in our hands, he emphasised the importance of getting on


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